(A) Generally. No person, unless they have reached the age of 16 years and hold a valid state driver’s license, shall at any time operate an off-road vehicle including, but not limited to, golf cart, riding lawnmower, garden tractor, and skid loader on the streets of the city.
(Prior Code, § 5-212)
(B) Daylight hours; restrictions. Off-road vehicles including golf carts, riding lawnmowers, garden tractors, and skid loaders may be operated on the streets or alleys of the city only during daylight hours, unless said vehicles are equipped with both front and back operational lights.
(Prior Code, § 5-213)
(C) Restricted use of streets. Riding lawnmowers, garden tractors, and skid loaders may be driven on the streets or alleys of the city from their place of permanent storage directly to their work site using the most direct route. Golf carts may be driven on the streets or alleys of the city from their place of permanent storage directly to the Randolph Community Golf Course addition using the most direct route and using first public alleys of the city when said alleys are in usable and safe condition. In no event shall golf carts be operated on Broadway Street between its intersection with Douglas Street and Nebraska Street and on Main Street between its intersection with Hughson Street and Wayne Street.
(Neb. RS 60-678, 60-6,347 through 60-6,353) (Prior Code, § 5-214)
(D) Slow moving emblem. Any off-road vehicle including golf cart, riding lawnmower, garden tractor, and skid loader which is operated on the streets or alleys of the city shall display a slow-moving vehicle emblem defined as a base-down equilateral triangle of fluorescent yellow-orange film with a base of 14 inches and an altitude of 12 inches, said triangle being bordered with reflective red strips having a minimum width of one and three-fourths inches.
(Prior Code, § 5-215)
Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) Operation.
(1) No person shall ride or propel a bicycle on a street or other public highway of the city with another person on the handlebars or in any position in front of the operator.
(2) No bicycle shall be ridden faster than is reasonable and proper, but every bicycle shall be operated with reasonable regard to the safety of the operator and any other persons upon the streets and public highways.
(3) Persons riding bicycles shall observe all traffic signs and stop at all stop signs.
(4) No bicycle shall be permitted on any street or other public highway from one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise without a headlight visible under normal atmospheric conditions from the front thereof for not less than 500 feet indicating the approach or presence of the bicycle firmly attached to such bicycle and properly lighted or without a yellow or red light reflector attached to and visible 500 feet from the rear thereof. The said headlight shall give a clear, white light.
(5) No person shall ride or propel a bicycle upon any street or other public highway abreast of more than one other person riding or propelling a bicycle.
(6) Every person riding or propelling a bicycle upon any street or other public highway shall observe all traffic rules and regulations applicable thereto and shall turn only at intersections, signal for all turns, ride at the right-hand side of the street or highway, pass to the left when passing overtaken vehicles and individuals that are slower moving, and shall pass vehicles to the right when meeting.
(7) No person shall park a bicycle on any sidewalk unless a bicycle stand is located on said sidewalk.
(8) No person shall ride a bicycle on the sidewalks within the business district defined as sidewalks adjacent to Broadway Street from Pierce Street to Cedar Street; Main Street from Park Street to Hughson Street; Douglas Street from Park Street to Hughson Street.
(Prior Code, § 5-401)
(B) Clinging to motor vehicles. No person riding upon any bicycle or roller skates shall attach the same or himself or herself to any moving vehicle upon any roadway, and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to suffer or permit any person traveling upon any bicycle or roller skates to cling to or attach himself or herself or his or her bicycle or roller skates to such vehicle so driven and operated by him or her.
(Neb. RS 60-6,316) (Prior Code, § 5-402)
Penalty, see § 70.99