(A)   Designated parking. Certain parking spaces within the confines of the village shall be designated for use by disabled persons’ vehicles only and will be posted with appropriate signs to that effect.
   (B)   Use of designated disabled parking. The use of designated disabled parking locations, duly posted and signed shall, to that effect, be open to any vehicle which bears the appropriate disabled state registration plate issued by the Secretary of State for the state, or a valid disabled parking permit issued by another governmental agency or which bears a disabled card furnished in accordance with 625 ILCS 5/11-1301.1 et seq. furnished by the village.
   (C)   Application for state disabled registration plate. The issuance of a state disabled motor vehicle registration plate shall be made with the Secretary of State of the state at any facility provided and approved for that purpose by the Secretary of State.
   (D)   Disabled parking areas. Those places designated as disabled parking spaces are listed in Ch. 74, Schd. II, of this traffic code.
(Prior Code, § 24-6-4)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 625 ILCS 5/11-1301.2