§ 98.073 CONTAINERS.
   (A)   All containers used for liquified petroleum gases shall be constructed to the standards prescribed therefore in the Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the Storage of Liquified Petroleum Gases Bulletin of September, 1951 as published in pamphlet form by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, hereinafter referred to as N.B.F.U. pamphlet No. 58.
   (B)   The maximum filling density (the percent ratio of the weight of gas in a container to the weight of water the container will hold at 60°F) shall be that prescribed in a paragraph B.ll (page 16) of N.B.F.U. pamphlet No. 58.
   (C)   No container for use in connection with any building, shall be located between the building and the street upon which the building abuts, nor within the building. The installation of containers and location with reference to buildings, shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed in the National Board of Fire Underwriters Pamphlet No. 58.
(1980 Code, § 28.004) Penalty, see § 98.999