Storage of flammable liquids of Classes I, II and III shall be in accordance with the rules governing general storage and service stations except:
   (A)   Not to exceed five gallons of crude petroleum, benzine, benzol, gasoline, naphtha and their compounds may be kept on hand if stored in a proper safety container, remote from flame or open fire. The storage must not be in any cellar, basement or pit and should be in a room with direct ventilation to the outside and preferably in any outbuilding or garage.
   (B)   Ten gallons of kerosene may be stored above ground in a proper safety can and 60 gallons may be stored for the retail trade within a building, provided storage is in an approved tank. Tank shall set in a metal pan extending at least eight inches in front. Tank should be located on the first floor where the influx of natural light is sufficient to light the room, and reasonable ventilation must be provided.
(1980 Code, § 27.004) Penalty, see § 98.999