The Commission shall have the power and duty to make recommendation to the City Council in the following areas:
   (A)   To formulate plans for the development and redevelopment of the Washington Theater;
   (B)   To make recommendations to the City Council for land acquisition, including the use of eminent domain;
   (C)   To make recommendations for application for any grant or loan from the United States Government or State of Illinois for the Washington Theater redevelopment;
   (D)   To make recommendations concerning the acquisition of funds for the Washington Theater redevelopment, including the issuance of obligation or revenue bonds by the city;
   (E)   To make recommendations concerning agreements with public or private agencies or persons in connection with the Washington Theater development or redevelopment;
   (F)   Using privately donated funds, to conduct studies and draft plans for the redevelopment of the Washington Theater, which shall be submitted to the City Council for its consideration;
   (G)   To incur debts and obligations on behalf of the City of Quincy only upon prior approval by the Quincy City Council; and
   (H)   To oversee and implement funding for the restoration and appropriate redevelopment of the Washington Theater complex and to review and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the management of the property.
(Ord. 9437, passed 12-28-2021)