The city will use the following methods to communicate its policy/plan to all employees, applicants, and referral sources:
   (A)   The city will include the phrase “an equal opportunity employer” in all job announcements.
   (B)   The AA/EEO policy will be published in the city employee handbook and posted on relevant bulletin boards for information purposes. It will also appear on the city’s web site.
   (C)   The Human Resource Department will make the policy available to all city employees.
   (D)   The Mayor or his designee will discuss with all department heads his commitment to equal opportunity and, where appropriate, affirmative action, the intent of the policy and the extent of their responsibility for effective implementation.
   (E)   Department heads will discuss with their supervisors the Mayor’s commitment and as well their own support of equal opportunity and affirmative action, the intent of the policy and the extent of their responsibility for effective implementation.
   (F)   Copies of the plan will be available at the Human Resource Department and City Clerk’s office.
(Ord. 9197, passed 10-25-2011)