(A)   Creation. There is hereby created the Quincy Preservation Commission which shall have the powers and perform the duties hereinafter provided.
   (B)   Membership. The Quincy Preservation Commission shall consist of 13 voting members and one ex-officio non-voting member, or a total of 14 members. Voting members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council, and shall include two Aldermen selected by the Mayor as in the case of committees of the City Council. Voting members of the Quincy Preservation Commission shall be appointed on the basis of demonstrated expertise, experience or interest in the areas of architecture, art, history, building construction, engineering, finance, historical and architectural preservation, history, law, neighborhood organization, planning or real estate. The ex-officio non-voting member of the Quincy Preservation Commission shall be the Director of the Department of Planning and Development.
   (C)   Terms. The voting members of the Quincy Preservation Commission shall serve terms of three years each. The members of the Quincy Preservation Commission who are Aldermen of the city shall be appointed for terms of two years. The terms of voting members and Aldermen shall be based on years which commence on May 1 and end on April 30.
   (D)   Transition of terms. In order to provide for the initial appointment of members to the Quincy Preservation Commission and further to provide for staggered terms of it voting members, the Mayor shall initially appoint members of the Commission, with the advice and consent of the City Council, to varying terms. Four of the initial voting members appointed by the Mayor shall be appointed to a two- year term, and four voting members shall be appointed to a one-year term. As each initial term expires, appointments shall be made for the full term of three years. For purposes of these initial appointments the period of time prior to May, 1982, shall not be considered. The Director of Planning and Development shall serve for the term of the Director’s office.
   (E)   Limitation on terms. Voting members shall be appointed for no more than two consecutive three-year terms, and in no case shall a voting member serve more than seven years consecutively. Members shall serve without compensation.
   (F)   Vacancies. All vacancies occurring in the Quincy Preservation Commission shall be filled by appointment in the same as original appointments. Vacancies shall be filled to complete only the unexpired term of the member in whose position the vacancy is created.
   (G)   Continuation in office. In the event of a vacancy of the expiration of a term, the member then holding office shall continue as a member until his or her successor is both appointed by the Mayor and the appointment is concurred in by the City Council, if required. The Mayor may, however, declare a position vacant in the event a term has expired prior to the appointment of a successor.
   (H)   Compensation. All members of the Quincy Preservation Commission shall serve without compensation for the services, provided that this shall not be construed to limit an Alderman’s or the Director’s right to receive compensation for his or her services as an Alderman or the Director, and provided further, that members shall be entitled to reimbursement for any actual and reasonable out-of-pocket expenditures incurred in connection with the duly authorized business of the Commission.
   (I)   Transaction of business. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the current appointed and confirmed members of the Quincy Preservation Commission. The transaction of business shall be made by a majority vote of those members in attendance while a quorum is present, except that the adoption, modification or rescission of any rule or part thereof adopted by the Commission shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the current appointed and confirmed members of the Commission, not just those in attendance at a meeting.
(1980 Code, § 11.1401) (Ord. 9486, passed 12-11-2023)