§ 40.084 DUTIES.
   (A)   (1)   The Board shall make rules:
         (a)   To carry out the purpose of this subchapter; and
         (b)   For appointments and removals in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter.
      (2)   The Board, from time to time, may make changes in these rules.
   (B)   (1)   All these rules and changes therein shall be printed immediately for distribution. The Board shall give notice:
         (a)   Of the places where the printed rules may be obtained; and
         (b)   Of the date, not less than ten days subsequent to the time of publication, when the rules or changes therein shall go into operation.
      (2)   This notice shall be published in one or more newspapers published in the municipality or. if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the municipality.
   (C)   The rules of the Board shall apply only to the conduct of examinations for original appointments, for promotions, and to the conduct on hearing brought against a member of the Police or Fire Department, if applicable. When any rule conflicts with applicable statutes, this subchapter, or a collective bargaining agreement covering members of the Police or Fire Department, the applicable statute(s), this subchapter or the collective bargaining agreement shall supersede this rule. In the absence of a rule of the Board, the provisions of applicable statutes, this subchapter, or a collective bargaining agreement covering members of the Police or Fire Department shall govern the method of appointments, period of probation, removals or discipline. The Council may also rescind rules of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, but can only do so by ordinance.
(1980 Code, § 11.605) (Ord. 9309, passed 6-26-2017)