(A)   Officers. The City Plan Commission at its first meeting of each year shall elect a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary and other officers as it may deem appropriate. All officers shall be members of the City Plan Commission excepting that the Secretary need not be a member and may be its Technical-Secretary. The Vice-Chairperson shall have authority to act as Chairperson during the absence or disability of the Chairperson. If the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson are absent or otherwise unable or refuse to perform their duties, a Chairperson pro tempore shall be appointed by the City Plan Commission from among their number. The Secretary shall perform the duties usually pertaining to the office. If the Secretary shall be absent from any meeting or refuses to perform the Secretary’s duties, a member of the City Plan Commission shall be appointed Secretary pro tempore.
   (B)   Quorum. Seven voting members of the City Plan Commission shall constitute a quorum; provided however, that if any vacancies exist as to the voting members a simple majority of voting members then serving shall constitute a quorum.
   (C)   Voting. A majority of the members voting on any measure shall determine the outcome thereof. Any member of the City Plan Commission who shall have a direct or indirect interest in any property or in a decision relating to the property, which shall be the subject matter of, or affected by, a decision of the City Plan Commission, shall be disqualified from participating in the discussion, decision or proceedings of the City Plan Commission in connection therewith.
   (D)   Bylaws and procedures. Consistent herewith, ordinances of the city and laws of the state, the City Plan Commission shall adopt bylaws and establish procedures regulating the time, place and manner of holding its meetings and the conduct of it business as may, in the judgment of the City Plan Commission, be proper and necessary in carrying on its work.
   (E)   Records and reports. The City Plan Commission shall keep a written record of its proceedings, which shall be open at all reasonable times to public inspection, and shall also file an annual report with the City Council setting forth its transactions and recommendations. In all instances, the City Plan Commission shall report directly to the City Council.
   (F)   Staff. The staff of the City Plan Commission shall consist of a Technical-Secretary and other staff as may be authorized by the City Council. The Technical-Secretary shall be an advisor to the City Plan Commission, custodian of its records, shall conduct official correspondence and generally supervise the clerical and technical work of the City Plan Commission. The Technical-Secretary shall be appointed by the City Plan Commission and shall devote his or her entire time to the duties of the office. The salary of the Technical-Secretary and the employment of other staff shall be determined and fixed by the City Council. No member of the staff shall be a member of the City Plan Commission, excepting that the Technical-Secretary may also serve as Secretary of the Commission.
(1980 Code, § 11.502)