   (A)   Restrictions. The posting authority may impose such restrictions on roadways and on the gross registered weight of vehicles as may, in their judgment, be necessary to protect the traveling public and prevent abuse of the highways, and designate the town roadways, roadside improvements and bridges to which the restrictions shall apply. (See A.R.S. § 28-627.)
   (B)   Classification of roadway. All town roads shall be designated “NO TRUCKS”, unless exempted by statute. Streets and roads shall be designated by classification as outlined in the “Transportation Element” of the Town of Quartzsite’s General Plan (June 2003) and any subsequent amendments thereto.
   (C)   Posting by sign. Notice shall be by the use of selective exclusion signs as outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic-Control Devices (MUTCD) with the designated words “NO TRUCKS”, or the alternate symbol sign. The notice shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: designation as “NO TRUCKS” or the alternate symbol sign and the provisions of this chapter or resolution at each end of the portion of the roadway thereby affected. (See A.R.S. § 28-1106.)
   (D)   Posting notice.
      (1)   The notice shall be conspicuously posted at each end of the restricted portion of the roadway, roadside improvement or bridge in a location clearly visible from the travelway.
      (2)   Whenever a restriction expires or is lifted, the signs shall be removed wherever posted.
      (3)   Whenever a restriction is revised or extended, existing signs shall be removed and replaced with new signs reflecting such ordinance amendment.
   (E)   Application. This chapter shall not apply to any state highway in the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways.
   (F)   Removal. No person may remove, obscure or otherwise tamper with any notice or sign so posted, except as provided herein.
(Prior Code, § 12-5-3) Penalty, see § 73.99