   This fee is applicable in the event of an unusual industrial Connection (see § 52.43 of this chapter or, in the event of a specific sewer service area or area-specific line extension, see § 51.03 of this code of ordinances), or in the event of an unforeseen event which shall require specific consideration.
(Prior Code, § 16-2-2) (Res. 01-06, passed - -2001; Ord. 09-36, passed - -2009)
   Fees and charges for treatment of normal scavenger wastes shall be based on the costs of providing such services and on the expected overall average characteristics of such discharges, which shall be designated as 500 mg/l BOD and 500 mg/l suspended solids. The Department shall designate characteristics on which to base charges in special situations such as discharges from sewage holding tanks on submission of proof that waste discharges have other than expected overall average concentrations and with provision of positive identification procedures. Charges shall be billed to licensed haulers at monthly intervals or at the discretion of the Council and shall be considered delinquent if not paid within 30 days of the billing date. Delinquency in payment shall be basis for revocation of permit.
(Prior Code, § 16-2-2) (Res. 01-06, passed - -2001; Ord. 09-36, passed - -2009)
   (A)   Administrative fees shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   Reimbursable expenses of the Department;
      (2)   Bad check charges;
      (3)   Lien recording fees;
      (4)   Account transfer fees;
      (5)   Plan review fees; and
      (6)   Inspection fees.
   (B)   The actual rates and categories will be set by resolution which shall be amended from time to time. The rate will be established in compliance with the public hearing requirements of A.R.S. § 9-511.01.
(Prior Code, § 16-2-2) (Res. 01-06, passed - -2001; Ord. 09-36, passed - -2009)
   For properties not within the present service area of the sewer system, the applicable fees shall include a connection fee payable on a lot or per parcel basis, which shall be established by the Council, similar in amount to the costs of construction of an equivalent collector sewer system adjacent to the landowner’s property, including the cost of construction, engineering, legal and administrative services, and in accordance with the benefit received, plus a fee for administrative services and in accordance with the benefit received, plus a fee for each lateral constructed in the public right-of-way to service the property; said money to be paid directly to the Department in cash prior to the time of the connection to the Department sewer system. Said money so collected is to be used to pay all or part of the cost of installing other main line sewers in the town as and when designated by the Council, or the costs of construction of additional sewage capacity. When said moneys are not being expended for that purpose they are to be invested or spent at the discretion of the Council. The actual rates and categories shall be set by resolution which shall be amended from time to time. The rate shall be established in compliance with the public hearing requirements of A.R.S. § 9-511.01.
(Prior Code, § 16-2-2) (Res. 01-06, passed - -2001; Ord. 09-36, passed - -2009)
   (A)   All rates and service charges are due and payable when rendered and shall be delinquent 15 days after the date of the billing. Any delinquent account requiring special collection effort shall be assessed a delinquent collection charge. The actual rates and categories shall be set by resolution which shall be amended from time to time. The rate shall be established in compliance with the public hearing requirements of A.R.S. § 9-511.01. If the total of such delinquent charges is not received within five days after date of delinquency and notice of delinquency having been given, sewer service shall be disconnected, after notice, to the premises of the delinquent consumer and a delinquent disconnect fee charged to the customer’s account. The delinquent disconnect fee, plus the total amount of the bill due, and any deposit used to remedy the delinquency shall be collected before providing sewer service again to delinquent customer.
   (B)   Customer’s sewer service shall be disconnected for non-payment of a bill for sewer services rendered at a previous location, provided such bill is not paid.
   (C)   Any expense caused to the Department for the repair or replacement of damaged, stolen, tampered or misused sewer facilities shall be charged against and collected from the person who caused the expense.
   (D)   When a user of the sewer system has been notified of amount of sewer use charges remaining due after the deduction of his or her user deposit and payment of the same has not been received within five days, the Department shall assign the account to a bona fide collection agency.
   (E)   Before sewer service will be provided to any premises, all charges against the premises then due and payable to the Department, as required by this code, or including any of the following items must have been paid; on account of labor supplied or materials furnished by the Department in the installation of service pipes connecting the premises with the town sewer mains or for tapping the system sewer line; on account of service of sewer service previously supplied to the premises, whether used by the applicants or by some previous occupant of the premises; or on account of the assessment of any fine or penalty; or for turning sewer service off or on; or for repair or replacement of damaged, stolen or misused sewer works facilities.
   (F)   Before disconnecting sewer for non-payment of any sewer user charge, deposit or other assessment provided for in this code, the Department shall give written notice of the discontinuance to the person and afford him or her or his or her designee an opportunity to appear before the Department on any disputed matter relative to the discontinuance of sewer service.
   (G)   A water/sewer customer who defaults in his or her obligation for the payment of utility moneys owed to the town is liable for any and all fees and charges assessed by a collection agency that is licensed pursuant to A.R.S. Title 32, Ch. 9, Art. 2, and that is engaged by the town to collect and enforce such payment. The collection fees and charges assessed by the collection agency shall be added to the sum or sums due from and chargeable against the customer.
(Prior Code, § 16-2-2) (Res. 01-06, passed - -2001; Ord. 09-36, passed - -2009)
   (A)   There shall be established the following funds into which the sewer charges, as levied herein, shall be distributed.
      (1)   Sewer System Operations, Maintenance and Capital Outlay Fund. The Sewer System Operations, Maintenance and Capital Outlay Fund shall be used exclusively for debt service, operational expenses and equipment replacement expenses associated with the provision of sewer system services.
      (2)   Renewal and Replacement Fund. The Sewer System Renewal and Replacement Fund shall be used as follows:
         (a)   To fund any budget shortages in the Sewer System Operations, Maintenance and Capital Outlay Fund; and
         (b)   Funds collected in the Renewal and Replacement Fund in excess of 1.25 times the annual system debt service and operation and maintenance costs shall be utilized within the system as deemed appropriate by the Council on recommendation by the Town Manager and the Department.
      (3)   Sewer System Users Deposit Fund. The sewer system users deposits shall be utilized exclusively for the purpose of temporarily paying a customer’s delinquent fees.
   (B)   The distribution of sewer charges shall be as follows:
      (1)   Sewer system capacity charges. All sewer system capacity fees (connection fees) will be deposited in the Renewal and Replacement Fund.
      (2)   Sewer system user charges. Sewer user fees shall be allocated to the Sewer System Operations and Capital Outlay Fund.
      (3)   Sewer system user deposits. One hundred percent of the Sewer User Deposit Fund shall be used to assure payment of monthly users fees by customer, as follows:
         (a)   If a customer is delinquent (see § 52.47 of this chapter) in paying his, her or their monthly user fee, then the Department may utilize a portion of that user’s deposit to bring the account current.
         (b)   The customer will be considered delinquent until the deposit is returned to the full amount.
         (c)   If a customer in good standing is disconnected and/or sells their property, the total amount of the deposit will be refunded upon written request.
      (4)   Special assessments.
         (a)   Special assessments shall be utilized in accordance with the agreement between the Wastewater Department and the customer.
         (b)   Additional connection applications shall not be accepted after the plant reached calculated design capacity without review and approval by Department confirming that actual maximum measured flow and treatment capacity does not exceed design capacity.
(Prior Code, § 16-2-2) (Res. 01-06, passed - -2001; Ord. 09-36, passed - -2009; Ord. 18-02, passed 5-8-2018)