   (A)   When a public sewer extension is installed outside or abutting the applicant’s lot, lots, subdivision or development, the applicant may be eligible for a public sewer extension reimbursement.
   (B)   The town will enter into an agreement with the original applicant of the public sewer extension and will collect and return to the applicant, as provided in the agreement, a public sewer reimbursement charge from parties wishing to make lateral connection to the sewer extension.
   (C)   To be eligible for a reimbursement agreement, the original applicant for the public sewer extension must submit the certified costs of the extension as prescribed in § 51.36 of this chapter within 120 days from the date of acceptance of the line extension by the town. Eligibility must be established in a timely manner so that project records and the utility atlas are fully updated. The applicant will be notified in writing of the availability of a reimbursement agreement by the Public Utilities Department.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-6) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Ord. 00-04, passed - -2000; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010)
   (A)   A public sewer reimbursement charge will be based on either one-half the cost per lineal foot of the sewer main extension abutting the premises of the part desiring to obtain a connection or connections to the main, or by an agreed upon fee per acre for the area served by the connection.
   (B)   A certified cost per lineal foot of the sewer main extension shall be obtained by taking the total cost of construction of the extension divided by the total lineal feet of the sewer main extension installed.
   (C)   The per parcel cost for reimbursement shall be obtained by one of the following methods, as appropriate:
      (1)   Dividing the total cost of construction of the sewer main extension by the total number of parcels to be served by the extension and subtracting the number of parcels to be served in the applicant’s development; or
      (2)   Determining the difference between the total cost of construction of the sewer main extension and the cost for constructing an extension adequate to serve only the area of the applicant’s development and dividing the difference by the number of parcels served in addition to the applicant’s development.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-6) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Ord. 00-04, passed - -2000; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010)
   The cost of construction of a main extension shall include in addition to the actual materials and installation costs of piping, manholes, wyes and other appurtenances, including, but not limited to, sewer clean out shut off valve and the engineering costs for preparation of plans and specifications, and costs for inspection and staking. The cost of service laterals shall not be included in the cost of construction of the sewer main extension for reimbursement purposes.
(Prior Code, § 16-1-6) (Ord. 91-02, passed - -1991; Ord. 91-04, passed - -1991; Res. 91-09, passed - -1991; Ord. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 92-04, passed - -1992; Res. 94-22, passed - -1994; Ord. 00-04, passed - -2000; Ord. 10-01, passed - -2010)