§ 50.51 GRID SYSTEM.
   Distribution water lines of 12 inches inside diameter are required on all section lines and distribution water lines of ten inches inside diameter are required on all half section lines and distribution water lines of eight inches inside diameter are required on all one-sixteenth lines, except where otherwise called for by the town’s Water Master Plan.
(Prior Code, § 17-1-5) (Ord. 96-03, passed - -1996; Res. 96-01, passed - -1996; Ord. 00-05, passed - -2000; Ord. 10-02, passed - -2010)
   (A)   All line extensions to serve a lot, lots, subdivisions or developments shall begin at the nearest adequate existing distribution line as determined by the Department and Town Engineer.
   (B)   (1)   All water distribution lines other than those provided for in § 50.53 of this chapter shall extend across the total frontage of the property or development to be served. Where the property or development is on a corner and fronts two exterior sides, total frontage shall mean one exterior side of the property or the development as determined by the Town Engineer in accordance with the Water Distribution System Master Plan.
      (2)   For a property on a corner that abuts a section line and a half-section line, or that abuts two section lines or two half section lines, the frontage for a line extension shall mean the longest of the two exterior sides abutting the section or half section lines.
      (3)   Those properties, meeting the conditions of division (B)(2) above where a line extension is required across the longest exterior frontage of the property, are exempt from any reimbursement charge for a connection to a line extension on the property’s short exterior frontage when required by the town for the purpose of looping the distribution system.
      (4)   For those properties meeting the conditions of division (B)(2) above and where an adequate water distribution line already exists along one of the two exterior frontages at the time of development, a line extension is required to be installed across the property’s remaining exterior frontage. The property is exempt from any reimbursement charge for connection to the existing water distribution system.
   (C)   Distribution lines shall be installed only in public streets, alleys, roads and highways and on other public and private property where satisfactory right-of-way can be obtained without involving direct purchase or lease of land by the Department.
   (D)   Distribution lines may be installed in private streets or thoroughfares to provide water service to premises along such street upon approval of the Department, providing:
      (1)   Right-of-way or easement provided is satisfactory to the Department; and
      (2)   The Department has no responsibility to maintain or repair the surface of the street other than to restore it to its original condition after cutting the street for installation of the water line or after repairs to the line.
   (E)   Distribution lines which are extended or installed will become the property of the town after final inspection and acceptance by the town and ADEQ approval of construction.
   (F)   Construction drawings for water line extensions certified by a registered engineer shall be submitted to the Department and Town Engineer for approval and shall be in accordance with the town’s Standard Specifications for Utility Installations, as adopted.
   (G)   (1)   Payment is required for all water used in construction, sterilization and testing of water main extensions and the contractor or developer shall be held accountable for that cost.
      (2)   Amount of water used shall be estimated by the Department.
(Prior Code, § 17-1-5) (Ord. 96-03, passed - -1996; Res. 96-01, passed - -1996; Ord. 00-05, passed - -2000; Ord. 10-02, passed - -2010)
   (A)   Installed by developer.
      (1)   Distribution lines shall be installed within or bounding the development to locations and grades and of such sizes as approved by the Town Engineer and Department and in conformance with town standards as adopted. Distribution lines of sizes and at locations approved by the Town Engineer and Department and in conformance with the town standards shall be installed for each lot within the development prior to paving the adjacent street.
      (2)   Where the line extensions or a portion of the line extension does not meet the requirements listed in division (B) below, the developer will be required to pay the full cost of the line extension or portion of the line extension.
      (3)   The town will enter into a reimbursement agreement with the developer requiring future customers to pay a pro rata share of the cost of the line extension if such initial service is taken during the term of the agreement. See §§ 50.65 through 50.69 of this chapter.
      (4)   The developer shall install a minimum one-inch water service connection for each lot within the development is his or her expense, concurrently with the water line construction in the development. The service connections installed by a developer shall be guaranteed against any and all defects by the developer for a period of one year after acceptance of the installations by the town. No one except authorized town personnel shall be authorized to install, remove or reinstall water meters and in the event the developer’s contractor, plumber, (or others), removes, changes or relocates water maters, the developer shall be charged the cost to the town for restoring meters to his or her authorized and designated locations.
      (5)   Fire hydrants shall be installed within and along perimeter streets of the development at locations and to lines and grades approved by the Town Engineer and in conformance with town standards.
      (6)   The developer shall be responsible for adjusting all water valves, meter boxes and appurtenances to the approved final grade before acceptance of the system by the town.
      (7)   A letter of acknowledgment shall be submitted by the developer concurrently with the submittal of proposed project design drawings. Included in the letter will be:
         (a)   Identification of the proposed project;
         (b)   Identification of the project developer; and
         (c)   Acknowledgment of the project developer.
            1.   The developer shall cause his or her professional engineer to submit all documentation required by the state’s Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Engineering Bulletin No. 10, as applicable, to the ADEQ for review and approval and to obtain all permits required to facilitate completion of the proposed project.
            2.   The developer shall contract a professional engineer to provide detailed construction inspection services for the proposed project. Upon completion of the project, the developers engineer shall forward a copy of same, including one set of Mylar, reproducible as-built drawings, affixed with the developer’s engineer’s seal, and an electronic file to the town’s Department of Public Utilities, for review and approval.
            3.   Upon issuance of the approval to operate by ADEQ, final acceptance of the facility will be acknowledged by the town and the one-year warranty period shall commence.
   (B)   Installed by town.
      (1)   Subject to the limitation set forth below water line extensions of ten-inch or larger sizes as required by the Water Master Plan located on section lines and half section lines shall be installed by town employees or by contract at town expense.
      (2)   Extensions installed and paid for by the town will include the appropriate valves, tees, crosses and the like, as well as fire hydrants.
      (3)   Water service installations to serve individual lots shall not be considered as part of the line extension installed at town expense, but may be included at the time of construction at the developer’s expense.
      (4)   Line extensions are limited to a maximum per subdivision per fiscal year as budgeted in compliance with water adequacy.
      (5)   Any line extensions in excess of the limitations set forth in §§ 50.50 through 50.53 of this chapter as revised will be eligible for a reimbursement agreement under the provisions of §§ 50.65 through 50.69 of this chapter.
   (C)   Limitation on town installation.
      (1)   Funds for town installed line extensions are derived from system development charge.
      (2)   The total dollar amount of funds available in any one year for construction of distribution line extensions is limited by the town to an amount equal to the cost of construction of a combination of one-half mile of ten-inch and 12-inch main extensions.
      (3)   Distribution of available funds for line extensions each fiscal year shall be on a first come basis. The project effective date for availability of funds is the date of the posting of construction assurances with the Town Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 17-1-5) (Ord. 96-03, passed - -1996; Res. 96-01, passed - -1996; Ord. 00-05, passed - -2000; Ord. 10-02, passed - -2010)