(a) The Council may, after notice and a public hearing, revoke or suspend by a vote of the majority of Council the license for any licensed taxicab for any length of time, for the following acts or omissions by the taxicab owner:
(1) A taxicab company has violated or is violating this chapter.
(2) A taxicab company has repeat violations of State or local laws or ordinances. "Repeat" violations shall entail three or more violations of traffic or other laws in a 30-day period for taxicab companies that have three or less cabs, or five or more violations for taxicab companies that have four or more cabs.
(3) There is a false statement made in the application for license.
(4) Refusing trip service on demand to any orderly person for lawful purposes when in service and available.
(5) Failing to maintain the operator records sheets required by Section 866.11.
(6) Permitting the operation of a taxicab for hire by any person who is not licensed as provided in Chapter 866.
(7) Knowingly permitting the operation of a taxicab for hire by any person who is not suitably dressed, wearing a taxicab company uniform shirt with the name of the taxi company printed on the shirt, neat in appearance, and clean of person.
(8) Knowingly permit the operation of a taxicab which displays the emblem of a credit card program or a discount program when the taxicab owner does not participate in which program.
(9) Failing to appear before the Council when properly notified to do so.
(10) Verbally threaten or attempt to intimidate any employee of the Village for actions taken in the enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter 866 of the Village Code.
(11) Any other form of misconduct, which shall mean conduct apart from the generally accepted practices of taxicab owners, which demonstrates personal, corporate, managerial, ethical or professional characteristics or disposition rendering a person unsuitable to owning a taxicab.
The Council shall revoke an owner's license if it appears upon investigation and hearing by the Council that said license has been obtained by willful misrepresentation.
(b) The Village Council or the Mayor may call a special meeting of the Council to determine if a revocation or suspension of the business license or taxicab license is warranted. The owner of the business license and/or the taxicab license shall be given notice of the date, time and place of the meeting by personal service or by regular United States mail, sent to the address listed in the Village application form T-1 submitted to obtain the taxicab license.
(Ord. 973-09. Passed 4-12-10.)