(A)   There is hereby established a Department of Emergency Management within the executive branch of the county government for the purpose of utilizing, to the fullest extent possible, the personnel and facilities of existing departments and agencies to prepare for, and meet, any disaster as defined in this chapter.
   (B)   The County Board of Commissioners and Director of Emergency Management shall be responsible for its organization, administration, and operation. The Department shall consist of the following:
      (1)   An executive head of the Department of Emergency Management who shall be known as the Director of Emergency Management, appointed in accordance with § 33.07(A)(1);
      (2)   A Deputy Director who shall be appointed by the Director with the approval of the Advisory Council;
      (3)   Emergency Management volunteers, as deemed necessary and appointed by the Director in accordance with § 33.11;
      (4)   The employees, equipment, and facilities of all county departments and agencies suitable for, or adaptable to, emergency management, and designated by the County Board of Commissioners to participate in emergency management activities;
      (5)   Staff officer(s) with responsibility for warnings, communications, radiological health, emergency care, fire and rescue, police, public works, and public information who may be appointed by the Director; and
      (6)   Such assistants, clerical help, and other employees, as deemed necessary, to the proper functioning of the Department who may be appointed by the Director.
   (C)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no compensated position may be established within the Department of Emergency Management, nor any person appointed to such a position, without:
      (1)   The authorization of the County Council, pursuant to I.C. 36-2-5-3(a); and/or
      (2)   The making of sufficient appropriations to pay such compensation.
   (D)   The County Council shall not have any power of approval over particular candidates for any position, but the County Council shall have general statutory powers to determine the number of officers and deputies, and employees of county departments, classify positions, and adopt schedules of compensation.
   (E)   It is the intent of this section that emergency management and disaster assignments under this Plan shall be as nearly consistent with normal duty assignments as possible.
(Ord. 2002-1, passed 1-7-2002)