(A)   If the EMA Director and the County Sheriff agree that a piece of equipment acquired through the DRMO is no longer of service to the county, they may jointly petition the County Board of Commissioners to sell said property to a third-party buyer. The petition must include the following:
      (1)   Detailed description of the DRMO property they seek to sell;
      (2)   A description of the applicable law and DRMO agreement terms that allow for the sale of said property;
      (3)   An explanation of the steps taken to ensure the equipment could not be utilized effectively by any other county departments, along with the department heads that were contacted about the equipment; and
      (4)   The signature of both the acting Sheriff and the EMA Director.
   (B)   Once the petition, as set forth above, is presented to the County Board of Commissioners, they will vote on whether to grant the petition. If the petition is granted, the County Board of Commissioners will schedule an auction date and auction the property to the general public after appropriate advertisement.
(Ord. 8-2013, passed 11-18-2013)