WALKABILITY: The extent to which the built environment is safe and inviting for pedestrians and for the presence of people living, shopping, visiting, enjoying or spending time in an area.
WALKWAY: A clearly defined path for non-motorized movement between buildings, structures, destinations, or other walkways on or adjacent to a site.
WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM: A device that directly converts wind energy into usable thermal, mechanical, or electrical energy, including such devices as windmills and wind turbines. The "system" includes towers and supporting structures and directly connected facilities such as generators, alternators, inverters, batteries, and associated control equipment.
WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM, SMALL: A wind energy conversion system with a power-related capacity of no more than one hundred kilowatts (100 kW) that is primarily intended to produce power for on-site consumption, as a supplement to utility power or in lieu of utility power. Small wind energy systems are often connected to the electric utility for the purpose of "net metering". (Ord. 2018-16, 12-4-2018)