SETBACK: An open, unobstructed area that is required to be provided by this UDO. See section 10-19-7 of this title.
SITE PLAN: A detailed plan or set of plans depicting the arrangement of buildings, parking, landscaping, lighting, walls, grading, elevations, building materials, signs and other information necessary to determine compliance with applicable regulations (see also section 10-15-8 of this title).
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM: A system intended to convert solar energy into thermal, mechanical or electrical energy.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, BUILDING-INTEGRATED: A solar energy system that is an integral part of a principal or accessory building, rather than a separate mechanical device, replacing or substituting for an architectural or structural part of the building. Building-integrated systems include, but are not limited to, photovoltaic or hot water systems that are contained within roofing materials, windows, skylights, shading devices and similar architectural components.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, FLUSH-MOUNTED: A solar energy system that is mounted flush with a finished building surface, at no more than six inches (6") in height above that surface.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, GROUND-MOUNTED: A solar energy system mounted on the ground and not attached to any other structure other than structural supports.
FIGURE 20-10
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, STRUCTURE-MOUNTED: A solar energy system that is mounted on the facade or roof of either a principal or accessory structure.
FIGURE 20-11
SOLAR PANEL: A group of photovoltaic cells assembled on a panel. Panels are assembled on-site into solar arrays.
SPECIAL EVENT: A temporary event or group of related temporary events typically involving a mass gathering of people on public right-of-way or public property; or on private property in a manner that results in significant impacts on public property or right-of-way.
SPECIAL EXCEPTION: A use or a design element or characteristic of a use or development that is not permitted by right because of potential adverse effect, but that if controlled in the particular instance as to its relationship to the neighborhood and to the general welfare, may be permitted by the Board of Adjustment. In order to be approved as a special exception, the special exception must be expressly authorized by this UDO and reviewed in accordance with the substantive and procedural standards of this UDO.
SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS: Any and all of the following: a) human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, and female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and b) human male genitals in a discernible turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
STREET: The entire width of whatever nature between the property lines when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular traffic or pedestrian traffic, and wherever designated as a street, highway, thoroughfare, expressway, road, avenue, boulevard, land, place, cul-de-sac or however otherwise designated.
STREET, ARTERIAL: A major street that is designated on to carry intra-City traffic and connect the various neighborhoods within the City.
STREET, CUL-DE-SAC: A minor street having one end open to vehicular traffic and having one closed end terminated by a turnaround.
STREET-FACING BUILDING ENTRANCE: See section 10-19-13 of this title.
STREET FRONTAGE: See section 10-19-6 of this title.
STREET, LOCAL OR MINOR: Any street not otherwise classified whose primary purpose is to provide direct access to abutting properties.
STREET, MARGINAL ACCESS: A service road or other roadway normally running parallel to or with an arterial street for the purpose of intercepting traffic from abutting property or intersecting streets for the purpose of limiting access to the arterial street main roadway.
STREET, PERIMETER: A public street that abuts the exterior boundary of a residential or nonresidential development.
STREET WALL: The wall or part of the building nearest the abutting street.
STREET YARD: See definition of yard, street.
STRUCTURE: Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground, or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground, and includes buildings, parking areas, walks, fences, canopies and signs.
SUBDIVISION: The division or redivision of land into two (2) or more lots, tracts, sites or parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership or for development, or the provision or vacation or dedication of a public or private right-of-way or easement, whether shown on a map or chart, or described by metes and bounds. (Ord. 2018-16, 12-4-2018)