MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE: A financial guarantee posted by the developer and approved by the City, guaranteeing the satisfactory condition of required infrastructure and improvements required to be installed pursuant to these regulations.
MASSAGE THERAPY: The manipulation of soft or connective tissues of the human body conducted by a physician or licensed massage therapist to alleviate pain, enhance circulation, improve joint mobilization, relieve stress or muscle tension.
MOBILE STORAGE UNIT, TEMPORARY: A mobile, fully enclosed container that is specifically designed and used for the temporary storage of household goods, wares, and materials for the purpose of moving, relocation, or temporary storage during construction. This definition does not include a shipping or cargo container, modified or otherwise.
MONUMENT (PERMANENT MONUMENT): A structure placed in the ground that is exclusively identifiable as a monument to a survey point expressly placed for surveying reference.
MULTI-TENANT DEVELOPMENT: A development typically under unified ownership and control consisting of two (2) or more business establishments, which may be on the same lot or on separate lots. The tenants of multi-tenant development typically share vehicle access and parking facilities. (Ord. 2018-16, 12-4-2018)