Lot area per unit is a measure of residential density. It governs the amount of lot area required for each dwelling unit on the subject lot. To determine the number of dwelling units allowed on a lot, divide the area of the lot by the minimum lot-area-per- unit requirement, and round any fractional result down to a whole number. If, for example, a minimum lot-area-per-unit requirement of one thousand seven hundred fifty feet (1,750') is applied to a ten thousand (10,000) square foot lot, a maximum of five (5) units would be allowed on that lot (5.71 rounded down to 5). In applying minimum lot-area-per-unit requirements to fraternity, sorority and rooming/boarding house uses, each six hundred (600) square feet of floor area is counted as one dwelling unit. (Ord. 2018-16, 12-4-2018)