Off-street motor vehicle parking spaces must be provided in accordance with the minimum ratios established in this section. See section 10-10-3 of this chapter for additional information about bicycle parking requirements.
   A.   Residential:
      1.   Household Living Uses: Uses in the household living use subcategory (see subsection 10-6-3A of this title) must provide at least one off-street motor vehicle parking space per dwelling unit; apartment/condo projects must provide an additional 0.5 off-street motor vehicle parking spaces for each dwelling unit with more than one bedroom.
      2.   Group Living Uses: Uses in the group living use subcategory (see subsection 10-6-3B of this title) must provide at least one off-street motor vehicle parking space per dwelling unit or at least one off-street motor vehicle parking space per four (4) sleeping rooms.
   B.   Nonresidential: There is no minimum off-street motor vehicle parking requirement for nonresidential uses, provided that uses requiring special exception approval may be subject to minimum parking requirements established at the time of special exception approval. (Ord. 2018-16, 12-4-2018)