This category includes uses that collect, store or process recyclable material for the purpose of marketing or reusing the material in the manufacturing of new, reused or reconstituted products. The recycling use subcategories are as follows:
   A.   Construction Or Demolition Debris: Establishments that receive and process general construction or demolition debris for recycling.
   B.   Consumer Material Drop-Off Station: An establishment that: 1) accepts consumer recyclable commodities directly from the consuming party; 2) is staffed by personnel during times when recyclables are accepted from consumers; and 3) stores materials temporarily before transferring them to recyclable material processing facilities. Establishments that process recyclable material are classified as "consumer material processing" establishments. (Note: Dumpsters and recyclable material bins are regulated as accessory uses.)
   C.   Consumer Material Processing: Establishments that receive and process consumer recyclable commodities for subsequent use in the secondary market. (Ord. 2018-16, 12-4-2018)