This category includes uses that provide and distribute goods in large quantities, principally to retail sales, commercial services or industrial establishments. Long-term and short-term storage of supplies, equipment, commercial goods and personal items is included. The wholesale, distribution and storage subcategories are as follows.
   A.   Equipment And Materials Storage, Outdoor: Uses related to outdoor storage of equipment, products or materials, whether or not stored in containers.
   B.   Trucking And Transportation Terminals: Uses engaged in the dispatching and long-term or short-term storage of trucks, buses and other vehicles, including parcel service delivery vehicles, taxis and limousines. Minor repair and maintenance of vehicles stored on the premises is also included. Includes uses engaged in the moving of household or office furniture, appliances and equipment from one location to another, including the temporary on-site storage of those items.
   C.   Warehouse: Uses conducted within a completely enclosed building that are engaged in long-term and short-term storage of goods and that do not meet the definition of a "self-service storage facility" or a "trucking and transportation terminal".
   D.   Wholesale Sales And Distribution: Uses engaged in the wholesale sales, bulk storage and distribution of goods. Such uses may also include incidental retail sales and wholesale showrooms. Expressly includes the following uses: bottled gas and fuel oil sales, flea markets, ice distribution centers, monument sales, portable storage building sales, vending machine sales, auctioneers, and frozen food lockers. (Ord. 2018-16, 12-4-2018)