A.   Collection Authority: All refuse and garbage accumulated within the city shall be collected, conveyed and disposed of by the authority or by the employees of the authority, or by contractors specifically authorized to collect or dispose of refuse and garbage or by persons authorized to dispose of their own refuse and garbage.
   B.   Contract For Services: The authority shall have the right to enter into a contract with any responsible person for collection and disposal of refuse and garbage; providing, that said contractor shall collect and dispose of all refuse within the city, the terms of said contract to be awarded to a responsible person after proper negotiation or after receiving bids, whichever, in the judgment of the authority, shall be deemed proper; provided, that the contract for the collection and disposal of "refuse", as herein defined, shall in no way conflict with the terms and conditions of this chapter. Contracts entered into by the authority for collection and disposal of trash, garbage or refuse prior to the effective date hereof or now in force are hereby confirmed, ratified and validated.
   C.   Adopt Regulations: The sanitation officer is hereby authorized to formulate reasonable rules and regulations, including point of collection, subject to approval by the city council, necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
   D.   Authority To Enter Private Premises: Solid waste collectors, employed by the authority or operating under contract with the authority, are hereby authorized to enter in and upon private property for the purpose of collecting solid waste therefrom as required by this chapter.
   E.   Permit Required; Annual Permit Fee: No person, firm, corporation, or other commercial entity, other than the contracted service, shall collect, transport, or dispose of solid waste within the city limits without a permit issued by the city of Pryor Creek, city clerk's department. The permit shall be issued only upon the payment of an annual permit fee as established (see appendix A of this code) per person, firm, corporation, or other commercial entity and only after the city clerk certifies that for which a permit is sought complies with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable rules and regulations and that each vehicle is readily cleanable and so constructed as to prevent the spillage or scattering of solid waste. The permit may be suspended or revoked if deemed necessary to the public welfare by the mayor or designee. Operating without the required permits as set forth by this section shall be an offense punishable by a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fine.
   F.   Insurance Requirement: Prior to permit being issued the following proof of insurance requirements must be provided: bodily injury liability, property damage liability, automobile bodily injury liability and automobile property damage minimum five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) each occurrence and one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) aggregate. (Ord. 2010-13, 5-18-2010)