For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
CONTRACTOR: A person with whom the Pryor public works authority has a contract to collect and dispose of refuse.
GARBAGE: The solid or semisolid animal and vegetable waste resulting from handling, preparation, cooking and serving of foods, including cans, bottles and cartons in which it was received and wrapping in which it may be placed for disposal.
PERSON: A person, individual, firm, association, syndicate, copartnership, corporation, trust, other legal entity having proprietary interests in a premises or other legal entity having responsibility for an act.
PRYOR PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY: A statutory trust created under the laws of the state of Oklahoma by the mayor and city council.
REFUSE: All solid waste from residential, commercial or industrial premises. It shall include semiliquid or wet wastes with insufficient moisture or other liquid content to be free flowing. It shall not include, except for minor amounts incidental to other wastes, any refuse resulting from building, excavating, demolition or remodeling work, or any construction work, nor shall it include stumps, tree trunks, tree trimmings and limbs resulting from operations of professional tree trimmers, or the tree trimmings resulting from the cutting down or the topping of any tree, regardless of who performs the work, nor shall it include refuse resulting from tornado, cyclone, extreme windstorms, ice storms, flood or other acts of God, or the burning of any building.
SANITATION OFFICER: The mayor and city council of the city of Pryor Creek or such other employee of the city as they shall authorize to act in enforcement of this chapter. (1988 Code § 17-201; amd. 2000 Code)