A.   Muzzled Or Caged: No owner shall permit any vicious animal or dangerous dog to be on any street, alley or other public place within the city or upon the private premises of any person other than an owner of such animal unless such animal is securely muzzled or caged. Vicious animals and dangerous dogs on the premises of an owner shall be confined so that they cannot attack persons lawfully on the premises and the premises shall be maintained so that children cannot gain access thereto. Any animal in violation of this section shall be impounded. (Ord. 0-90-35, 8-20-1990)
   B.   Confined Within An Enclosure: A dangerous dog is "unconfined" if such dog is not securely confined indoors or confined in a secure enclosure upon the premises of an owner of such dog. "Enclosure" means a fence or a structure of at least six feet (6') in height, forming or causing an enclosure suitable to prevent the entry of young children. Enclosure shall be securely locked and designed with secure sides, top and bottom and shall be designed to prevent the animal from escaping from the enclosure. If the enclosure has no bottom, the sides must be embedded into the ground no less than one foot (1'). An owner of such dog shall be required to post warning signs on the premises stating that a dangerous dog is confined on the premises. At least one such sign shall be posted at each driveway to said premises. (Ord. 0-03-05, 2-3-2003, eff. 2-13-2003)
   C.   Rabies Control: If any vicious animal or dangerous dog cannot be safely taken and impounded when necessary for the protection of any person or property, such animal may be slain by a police officer or person authorized by the city; provided, however, that in all cases where any animal so slain has bitten any person or caused an abrasion to the skin of such person, no injury shall be done to the head of the animal and it shall be the duty of the person slaying the animal to immediately deliver the carcass to a licensed veterinarian to prepare the head and brain for delivery to Cook County rabies control department. (Ord. 0-90-35, 8-20-1990)
If any animal such as a mouse, rat, squirrel or any other animal bites a person or other animal and subsequently expires, the bite shall be reported and the carcass delivered to the city health inspector or to such place as designated by the health inspector. (Ord. 0-90-35, 8-20-1990; amd. Ord. 0-05-23, 7-5-2005, eff. 7-17-2005)
   D.   Guard Dogs: It shall be unlawful for any person to place or maintain guard dogs in any area for the protection of persons or property unless the following provisions are met:
      1.   The dog(s) shall be confined to an enclosed area adequate to ensure they will not escape; or
      2.   The dog(s) shall be under the absolute and continuous control of an owner at all times when not securely enclosed; and
      3.   The owner or other person(s) in control of the premises upon which a guard dog is maintained shall post warning signs on, over or next to all exterior doors stating that such a dog is on the premises. At least one such sign shall be posted at each driveway or entranceway to said premises. Such signs shall be in lettering clearly visible from either the curb line or a distance of fifty feet (50'), whichever is less, and shall contain a telephone number where some person responsible for controlling such guard dog can be reached twenty four (24) hours a day; and
      4.   Prior to the placing of a guard dog on any property, the person or persons responsible for the placing shall inform the animal control officer, the police department and the fire department, in writing, of their intention to post said dog or dogs, the number of dogs to be posted, the location where said dog or dogs will be posted, the approximate length of time said dog or dogs will be guarding the area, the daily hours said dog or dogs will be guarding the area, the breed, sex, age and rabies tag number of said dog or dogs. Such notice must be renewed every six (6) months.
   E.   Insurance: All owners, keepers or harborers of registered dangerous dogs or guard dogs must provide proof to the city clerk of public liability insurance in a single incident amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for bodily injury to or death of any person or persons or for damage to property owned by any person(s) which may result from ownership, keeping or maintenance of such animal. Such insurance policy shall provide that no cancellation of the policy will be made unless ten (10) days' written notice is first given to the city administrator. (Ord. 0-90-35, 8-20-1990)