A.   The full width of the right of way shall be graded to the required section.
   B.   All unsuitable subbase material shall be removed and shall be replaced with stable, compacted material in conformance with generally accepted engineering practices.
   C.   The center line grade shall be not less than five-tenths percent (0.5%), and shall not exceed six percent (6%) on major and collector streets and eight percent (8%) on minor streets and cul-de-sac streets.
   D.   Vertical curves shall be used whenever a change in center line gradient occurs, except where the algebraic difference in gradients is one percent (1%) or less. The length of vertical curve on minor streets shall be forty feet (40') for each one percent (1%) of algebraic difference of grade, but in no case shall such length be less than forty feet (40'). The length of vertical curve on collector streets shall be fifty feet (50') for each one percent (1%) of algebraic difference of grade, but in no case shall such length be less than fifty feet (50').
   E.   All pavement thicknesses, including surface, base courses and subbase courses, shall be designed in accordance with either the "Manual of Instructions for the Structural Design of Bituminous Pavements" or the "Manual for the Structural Design of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements", as applicable, and all subsequent revisions thereto, as published by the State of Illinois Department of Transportation. The minimum thickness for residential streets shall be as specified therein. Design data shall be submitted to the City Engineer together with copies of soils test reports, at the time of plan submittal.
   F.   Minimum pavement cross section for major streets shall be:
      1.   A three inch (3") Class I Bituminous Concrete Surface on an eight inch (8") Bituminous Aggregate Mixture (BAM) base; or
      2.   An eight inch (8") standard reinforced concrete pavement.
   G.   Minimum pavement cross section for collector streets shall be:
      1.   A three inch (3") Class I Bituminous Concrete Surface on a six inch (6") BAM; or
      2.   An eight inch (8") standard reinforced concrete pavement; or
      3.   A seven inch (7") standard reinforced concrete pavement on a four inch (4") crushed stone or gravel base.
   H.   Minimum pavement cross section for minor streets, including cul-de-sac streets, shall be:
      1.   A two and one-half inch (21/2") Class I Bituminous Concrete Surface on a ten inch (10") crushed stone or gravel base; or
      2.   A two and one-half inch (21/2") Class I Bituminous Concrete Surface on a five inch (5") BAM base; or
      3.   A seven inch (7") nonreinforced concrete pavement; or
      4.   A six inch (6") standard reinforced concrete pavement.
   I.   Pavements in or bordering commercial or industrial areas shall meet the minimum requirements of a collector street.
   J.   Alleys in or bordering commercial or industrial areas shall meet the requirements of a collector street. Alleys in residential areas shall meet the requirements of a minor street.
   K.   Curbs and gutters shall be constructed on all streets and shall be combination (integral) concrete of barrier type for major and collector mountable for residential not less than eighteen inches (18") in overall width. Curbs may be constructed integrally with the Portland cement concrete pavement. Concrete for curb and gutter shall conform to that hereinafter required for concrete sidewalk. Half streets of a permanent nature shall be constructed with a concrete retainer curb at the center line, except for concrete base construction. Three (3) five-eighths inch (5/8") reinforcing bars ten feet (10') long shall be installed in all curb and gutter, centered over each sewer and water trench crossed by the curb and gutter. (Ord. 0-77-02, 2-7-1977)