A. Residential Districts: In all residential districts house number signs shall be clearly readable from the street (especially at night). The following classes of signs are permitted in accordance with the regulations set forth herein:
1. Identification signs: There may be only one nameplate or open wall sign, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, indicating the name and/or address of the occupant.
2. Tract identification signs:
a. Only one such sign may be permitted at each major entrance to the tract.
b. Only open wall and ground signs are permitted for use as a tract identification sign.
c. Only the name and/or address of the tract shall be permitted on the sign.
d. Signs shall be no more than five feet (5') in height.
e. No such sign shall have an area greater than thirty two (32) square feet.
3. Signs accessory to parking areas shall be subject to the following requirements:
a. Area And Number: Signs, designating parking area entrances or exits, are limited to two (2) signs for each such exit or entrance and to a maximum size of three (3) square feet each. One sign per parking stall designating the condition of use or identity of such parking area and limited to a maximum size of three (3) square feet, shall be permitted.
b. Height: No sign shall be higher than four feet (4') above the established average grading of the parking area.
c. Projection: No sign shall project beyond the property line.
4. Public Or Quasi-Public Use: Church bulletins and signs for public or quasi-public buildings shall be subject to the following requirements:
a. Area And Number: There shall be no more than one such sign per zoning lot, except that on a corner lot two (2) signs, one facing each street, shall be permitted. No sign shall exceed twenty four (24) square feet in area.
b. Height: No ground sign shall be higher than six feet (6') above the established average grade.
c. Projection: All signs shall be set back at least fifteen feet (15') from any lot line.
B. Business Districts: In all business districts all signs are subject to the provisions stated herein and in section 5-9-2 of this chapter, as well as the specific requirements of the type of sign. The types of signs listed in this section are permitted in addition to those permitted in residential districts. Tract development signs are not permitted in business districts.
1. Business District General Provisions: In all business districts, the permitted signs are subject to the following:
a. Area: The area of any sign shall be limited by the specific requirements of that particular type of sign but, in no case, shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area.
b. Location: The sign or signs shall be located on the zoning lot and shall front the principal street or parking area. In the case of corner buildings, located on both principal and side streets, signs shall be permitted on the portion of the side street wall within forty feet (40') of the principal street. Signs in direct line of vision of any traffic signal shall not have red, green or amber illuminations.
c. Projection: Signs suspended from any building may project four feet (4') from the face of the building but shall not project into the public way, or building setback area; and the bottom of such signs shall not be less than ten feet (10') above the finished grade of the sidewalk.
d. Height: No sign shall be located higher than thirty feet (30') above the mean grade of the property. Specific types of signs may have more restrictive height limitations.
e. Illumination: Signs shall be shaded whenever necessary to avoid casting light upon adjacent property. Flashing signs are not permitted. Rotating signs may be permitted by a special use permit.
f. Placement: No signs shall be painted, pasted or similarly posted directly on the surface of any wall nor shall any sign be permitted to be placed on any wall, fence or stand facing the side of any adjoining lot located in a residential district.
g. Setback: All ground signs used for any purpose shall be set back fifteen feet (15') from any lot line.
2. Permitted Business Signs:
a. Marquee And Canopy Signs: Signs located on a marquee or canopy shall be affixed to the surface thereof and shall not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of said marquee or canopy. Marquees or canopies shall have a headroom of not less than eight feet (8').
b. Awning Signs: Signs located on awnings shall be affixed to the surface thereof, and shall indicate only the name, address and telephone number of the establishment on the premises. No sign shall exceed eight (8) square feet in area. Further, no such sign shall extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limit of said awning. Awnings shall have a headroom of not less than eight feet (8').
c. Wall And Fascia Signs: No more than one wall sign on each wall fronting on a public street, public right of way or easement, except for identification signs, not to exceed four (4) square feet, except for multiple tenant buildings, which shall be permitted to have one wall sign on the ground floor for each business or professional use in the building. The maximum area in square feet shall not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of building occupancy. No wall sign shall project beyond the top and edges of the wall to which it is affixed.
No attached sign shall exceed ten feet (10') in vertical dimension and shall be subject to the city's approval for location and arrangement. No attached sign shall extend in height above the top of an exterior wall, except in the case of a mansard, mansard type roof, or parapet wall. The height of the sign attached to such mansard/parapet shall not extend above the top of such mansard/parapet nor shall it extend more than three feet (3') in height above the roofline immediately behind the mansard/parapet at the point to which the sign is to be attached. The maximum size of any wall sign shall not exceed sixty four (64) square feet.
Buildings with multiple street frontage shall be permitted to have one wall sign on the secondary street frontage, provided this sign shall not exceed one-half (1/2) the sign area permitted on the principal frontage, and shall not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of the side of building to which said secondary sign is affixed.
d. Ground Signs: No more than one ground sign shall be permitted on a zoning lot. No ground sign shall have a total height greater than fifteen feet (15') above the mean grade level of the property. The area of a ground sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. All parts of the ground sign, including its supports, shall be entirely within the property line of the premises upon which it is located.
Ground signs in areas of vehicular or pedestrian traffic shall be set at a height to allow safe passage.
e. Permanent Window Signs: Permanent signs painted, posted or displayed by any other means in a window, together with all other signs, shall not exceed the gross area permitted for signs on the zoning lot, and shall not occupy more than thirty three and one- third percent (331/3%) of the gross window area.
f. Signs Accessory To Automobile Service Stations: Automobile service stations are hereby declared to be an activity which requires certain additional regulations regarding signs.
(1) Matter appearing on gasoline pumps regulating safety and use shall not be considered as signs for the purposes of this title.
(2) In addition to all other permitted signs, there may be one sign, not larger than six (6) square feet, above each pump area stating whether the area is a "self-service" or a "full service" area and the current price per gallon of the gasoline sold at the station. No element of the cost to the customer of the gasoline shall be omitted from the statement of the price per gallon.
(3) Items for sale on the premises may be openly displayed within ten feet (10') of the principal building. Products may be displayed under group island canopies or between pumps within the area of the pump island base.
g. Menu boards are permitted for all drive-through facilities.
(1) Menu boards are limited to fifty (50) square feet in sign area and eight feet (8') in height. The menu board may be designed as separate freestanding signs grouped together and may include the use of preview boards designed as separate freestanding signs installed a distance earlier in the drive-through lane, however the total area of all signs must not exceed fifty (50) square feet.
(2) Menu boards are permitted an additional ten (10) square feet of sign area for temporary signs attached to the top or sides of the menu board.
(3) Menu boards must be located a minimum of fifteen feet (15') from any residential district lot line. This is measured from sign face to lot line, including any public right-of-way.
(4) Menu boards may be internally illuminated. Menu boards may also contain an electronic screen that displays order information for each customer. (Ord., 7-1989; amd. Ord. O-18-29, 8-27-2018)