A.   Class A Licenses: Class A licenses which shall authorize the retail sale on the premises specified of alcoholic liquor only for consumption on the premises. If the premises is a hotel, packaged liquor may be sold to guests of the hotel.
Class A-1 Licenses: Class A-1 licenses shall authorize the retail sales on the premises of beer and wine only for consumption on the premises in a bowling alley only.
Class A-2 Licenses: Class A-2 licenses shall authorize the retail sale on the premises specified of alcoholic liquor only for consumption on the premises.
Class A-3 Licenses: Class A-3 licenses shall authorize the retail sale on the premises specified of alcoholic liquor only for consumption on the premises during the hours set forth in section 2-3-9 of this chapter. The holder of a Class A-3 license may petition the Local Liquor Commissioner for a temporary extended hours permit to allow extended hours not later than four o'clock (4:00) A.M. on any one day Sunday through Thursday. Said petition must be in writing and delivered to the Local Liquor Commissioner not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date on which the licensee desires extended hours. An extended hours permit granted under this section shall be valid only for the single date specified on the permit. Extended hours under this subsection may be granted in the sole discretion of the Local Liquor Commissioner and shall not be deemed a right of the licensee.
   B.   Class B Licenses: Class B licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor, but not for consumption on the premises where sold.
      1.   If said sale of alcoholic liquor is carried out on premises which are utilized primarily for other retail sales activities, the sale of such liquor shall be confined to an area which is separated from the other retail sales activity.
      2.   The sale of such liquor shall be confined to an area which is separated from the other retail portions of the premises by a suitable enclosure or partition of such design and construction as may be approved by the local liquor control commissioner. No class B license outstanding on the effective date of this section shall be renewed upon its expiration unless such approved enclosure or partition has been constructed.
   C.   Class B-1, B-2, And B-3 Licenses:
      1.   Class B-1 Licenses: Class B-1 licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of wine and beer, but not for consumption on the premises where sold. The said sale of alcoholic liquor is carried out on premises which are used primarily for the sale at retail of packaged foods and/or convenience items to be carried out from the premises.
      2.   Class B-2 Licenses: Class B-2 licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of wine and beer, but not for consumption on premises where sold. The said sale of alcoholic liquor is carried out on premises which are used primarily for the sale at retail of packaged foods and/or convenience items to be carried out from the premises, during hours of operation which differ from the B-1 classification.
      3.   Class B-3 Licenses, Grocery Stores: Class B-3 licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor by grocery stores not for consumption on the premises where sold. The said sale of alcoholic liquor is carried out on premises which are used primarily for the sale of groceries and related goods to be carried out from the premises.
      4.   Separate Area For Sales: If said sale of alcoholic liquor, wine or beer is carried out on premises which are utilized primarily for other retail sales activities, the sale of such liquor shall be confined to an area which is separated from the other retail sales activity. The sale of such wine or beer shall be confined to an area which is separated from the other retail portions of the premises by a suitable enclosure or partition of such design and construction as may be approved by the local liquor control commissioner. No class B-1, B-2, or B-3 license outstanding on the effective date of this section shall be renewed upon its expiration unless such approved enclosure or partition has been constructed.
   D.   Class C Licenses: Class C licenses which shall authorize the retail sale, in restaurants only, of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises where sold. Such licenses may be issued to and retained by those establishments which:
      1.   Have a seating capacity at tables for a minimum of thirty (30) persons for food services; and
      2.   Offer their patrons full and complete meals, including a dinner menu.
No such license shall be granted to or retained by any establishment in which the facilities for food preparation and service are not primarily those of a restaurant or are operated as a "fast food restaurant" as defined in this chapter. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, limited food service, such as provided by lounges, luncheonettes, diners, coffee shops, drive-ins, etc., do not satisfy the requirements for this license classification.
   E.   Class C-1 Licenses: Class C-1 licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of wine and beer in restaurants only, for consumption on the premises where sold. Such licenses may be issued and retained by those establishments which:
      1.   Have a seating capacity at tables for a minimum of thirty (30) persons for food services; and
      2.   Offer their patrons meals.
No such license shall be granted to or retained by any establishment in which the facilities for food preparation and service are not primarily those of a restaurant.
   F.   Class C-3 Licenses: Class C-3 licenses be the same as class C-1 licenses in all respects except for the hours of operation which shall be as set forth in section 2-3-9 of this chapter.
   G.   Class D Licenses: Class D licenses which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on public golf course premises.
   H.   Daily Permits: The local liquor control commissioner may grant a daily permit which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption only on the premises where sold, to any company, organization or group, authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor at any picnic, carnival or similar function given by said organization.
   Daily permits may be issued for not more than five (5) consecutive days to any one organization. The application for a daily permit shall specify the name of the organization, the person or persons responsible for custody and sale of alcoholic beverages, the dates, and hours of service, and shall indicate the nature of the organization (e.g., charitable, civic) and the character of the event or events to which the permit applies. No such permits, however, shall be issued or granted except upon proof of adequate dramshop (host liquor liability) insurance provided by the insurance carrier or a bona fide agent of the carrier.
   Prior to the issuance of a daily permit to any applicant, such applicant shall place on deposit with the local liquor control commissioner the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), the exact amount to be determined by the local liquor control commissioner for each day of the event for which a permit is required. At the discretion of the local liquor control commissioner, such deposit shall be refundable to such applicant provided that the event for which the daily permit was issued, was conducted without justifiable complaints from nearby residents and without disruption of nearby business activities or traffic flow. No such deposit shall be refunded in the event that any violation of this section occurred at the event for which the daily permit was issued.
   I.   Special Permits: The local liquor control commissioner may grant modified hours for special events with no more than three (3) such permits to be approved per applicant per year. Such special permits shall be restricted to holders of class A and class C licenses. Requests for the permit for modified hours shall be made to the local liquor control commissioner in writing, signed by the applicant, including name of responsible supervisor to the special event, client for whom the special event will be held and any other information deemed necessary by the local liquor control commissioner. Each application for a permit for modified hours shall include a nonrefundable fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) which shall be separate and distinct from the annual license fee.
   J.   Sunday Brunch Permits: The local liquor control commissioner may grant to holders of class A and class C licenses a special Sunday brunch SB permit to serve alcoholic beverages on Sundays between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon. The SB permit shall be an addendum to the annual license; and, in no way, shall it be regarded as a license. Holders of such permits shall pay the fees established in section 2-3-9 of this chapter.
   The SB permits shall be effective and concurrent with the licenses to which they apply. No such permit shall be valid in the absence of or during the revocation or suspension of the license to which it applies.
   SB permits shall be issued subject to the same rules and restrictions with respect to holder qualifications, terms and conditions, and to the general requirements of this chapter which apply to the licenses. Additional restrictions are as follows:
      1.   SB permits shall apply only to the service of alcoholic beverages at the licensed establishment.
      2.   All licensed establishments holding an SB permit may provide additional alcoholic beverage service during the period between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on Sundays only in connection with meal service.
   No person or persons shall be served alcoholic beverages in any area where meal service is not offered and available, and no person or persons shall consume alcoholic beverages during such period except in connection with a meal.
      3.   Service of alcoholic beverages under the SB permit is strictly prohibited in cocktail lounges, bar areas, coffee shops and other rooms or areas where complete meals are not offered and served.
   K.   Class P License: Class P licenses shall be issued only as a supplemental license to the holder of a Class A, A-2, A-3, C, C-1 liquor license to authorize the incidental sale of package liquor by establishments that principally sell food and alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises. The holder of a Class P license shall remain subject to all conditions, qualifications, and limitations of the primary liquor license class. The holder of a Class P license shall only sell or offer for sale packaged alcoholic liquor during the hours of operation specified for the license holder's primary license class. In the event that the primary liquor license held by a Class P license holder is revoked, suspended, or declared forfeited or lapsed, the Class P license shall also be revoked, suspended, or declared forfeited or lapsed. The area of a Class P licensed premises dedicated to the display or sale of package liquor shall not be accessible to the public via any entrance separate from the entrance or entrances to the area of the premises where liquor is sold and served for consumption on the premises. A Class P license shall not be issued to an establishment that conducts sales of package liquor under a different business name than the name under which it conducts sales of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises. A Class P licensed premises shall use no more than five percent (5%) of its total floor area for the display of package liquor. A Class P license shall not be issued in lieu of a more appropriate license contained within this section. (Ord. 0-13-07, 4-8-2013; amd. Ord. 0-16-09, 3-28-2016; Ord. 0-17-03, 3-27-2017, eff. 4-1-2017; Ord. O-19-29, 10-14-2019; Ord. O-20-47, 12-14-2020)