A. For violations of section 11-306 (traffic control devices) or 3-413 (vehicle registration) of the Illinois vehicle code, unless the driver of the motor vehicle in question received a uniform traffic citation from a police officer at the time of the alleged violation, a motor vehicle owner is subject to a civil penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a proved violation of this chapter, plus an additional penalty of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for failure to pay the original penalty or contest the violation at an administrative hearing in a timely manner, if the motor vehicle is recorded by an automated traffic law enforcement system.
B. For violations of section 11-1414 (approaching, overtaking and passing a school bus) of the Illinois vehicle code, unless the driver of the motor vehicle received a uniform traffic citation from a police officer at the time of the violation, the motor vehicle owner is subject to a civil penalty not exceeding one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for a first time violation or five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a second or subsequent violation, plus an additional penalty of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for failure to pay the original penalty in a timely manner, if the motor vehicle is recorded by an automated traffic law enforcement system.
C. Any penalty imposed for a violation of this chapter is a civil penalty and is not a violation of a traffic regulation governing the movement of motor vehicles and shall not be transmitted to the Illinois secretary of state to be recorded on a driving record of the vehicle owner.
D. All violations detected under this chapter and processed by the city's ordinance enforcement department under title 9, chapter 4 of this code shall be deemed vehicle compliance violations related to the condition and use of vehicle equipment.
E. Any civil penalty imposed for a violation of this chapter shall be paid within forty nine (49) days following the administrative hearing at which the civil penalty was imposed.
F. Subject to subsection A of this section, no additional fee shall be charged to the alleged violator for exercising his or her right to an administrative hearing.
G. Whenever a registered owner of a vehicle has failed to pay any fine or penalty due and owing the city as a result of five (5) offenses for automated traffic law violations, the city shall make a certified report to the secretary of state pursuant to section 6-306.5 of the Illinois motor vehicle code. (Ord. 0-13-24, 11-25-2013)