(A) Temporary buildings or structures used as construction offices, storage for trash or storage of materials in residential areas. Temporary buildings or structures used as construction offices, storage for trash, or storage of materials are not permitted in residential areas of the city, except during times of initial construction when undeveloped land is being developed for multi-family unit residential occupancy. In the development of undeveloped land for multi-family unit residential occupancy, limitations on the amount of time temporary buildings or structures are permitted to remain in residential areas shall be as follows:
(1) Time allowed. An initial permit for the location of a temporary building or structure used as construction offices, storage for trash, or storage of materials in residential areas may be issued for the period of time necessary to complete construction on the property, but no longer than a period of 12 months. Initial permits may be renewed at the discretion of the City Administrator for subsequent periods of 45 days each upon receipt of written documentation showing continued substantial progress on the project necessitating the building or structure, and a specific written showing of a continuing need for the structure at the property. If such showings are not made, the temporary buildings or structures shall be removed and brought back to the site only when it can be demonstrated that progress is able to be resumed and/or that there is a continuing need for the structure at the property. In the event that such showings are not made and the temporary buildings or structures are not removed within ten days the landowner, development firm, and/or any agent of the source providing the building or structure shall be subject to all fines and penalties provided for under this chapter.
(2) Permitting subsequent to placement of building or structure. The city, upon observing an un-permitted temporary building or structure used as construction offices, storage for trash, or storage of materials in a residential area, shall provide written or verbal notification to the landowner, development firm, and/or any agent of the source providing the building or structure of the need for a permit. If a permit is not obtained from the city within two working days, the landowner, development firm, and/or any agent of the source providing the building or structure shall be subject to all fines and penalties provided for under this chapter.
(3) Prohibition of residential usage. No temporary building or structure used as construction offices, storage for trash, or storage of materials in a residential area shall at any time be used for residential purposes. If such building or structure is used for residential purposes, the landowner, development firm, and/or any agent of the source providing the building or structure shall be subject to all fines and penalties provided for under this chapter.
(B) Temporary buildings or structures used as construction offices, storage for trash or storage of materials in commercial areas. Limitations on the amount of time temporary buildings or structures used as construction offices, storage for trash, or storage of materials are permitted to remain on commercial property shall be as follows:
(1) Time allowed. An initial permit for the location of a temporary building or structure used as construction offices, storage for trash, or storage of materials in commercial areas may be issued for the period of time necessary to complete construction on the property, but no longer than a period of ten months. Initial permits may be renewed at the discretion of the City Administrator for subsequent periods of 30 days each upon receipt of written documentation showing continued substantial progress on the project necessitating the building or structure, and a specific written showing of a continuing need for the structure at the property. If such showings are not made, the temporary buildings or structures shall be removed and brought back to the site only when it can be demonstrated that progress is able to be resumed and/or that there is a continuing need for the structure at the property. In the event that such showings are not made and the temporary buildings or structures are not removed within ten days the business owner, business manager, and/or any agent of the source providing the building or structure shall be subject to all fines and penalties provided for under this chapter.
(2) Permitting subsequent to placement of building or structure. The city, upon observing an un-permitted temporary building or structure used as construction offices, storage for trash, or storage of materials in a commercial area, shall provide written or verbal notification to the business owner, business manager, and/or any agent of the source providing the building or structure of the need for a permit. If a permit is not obtained from the city within two working days, the business owner, business manager, and/or any agent of the source providing the building or structure shall be subject to all fines and penalties provided for under this chapter.
(3) Prohibition of residential usage. No temporary building or structure used as construction offices, storage for trash, or storage of materials in a commercial area shall at any time be used for residential purposes. If such building or structure is used for residential purposes, the business owner, business manager, and/or any agent of the source providing the building or structure shall be subject to all fines and penalties provided for under this chapter.
(Ord. 485-2007, passed 12-10-07)