97.01 Definitions
97.02 Creation of Forestation Board
97.03 Term of office of Forestation Board
97.04 Compensation
97.05 Duties and responsibilities of the Forestation Board/City Tree Plan
97.06 Operation of Forestation Board
97.07 Native and non-native tree species permitted or prohibited
97.08 Spacing of street trees
97.09 Distance from curb and sidewalk
97.10 Planting distance from street corners and hydrants
97.11 Planting distance from utilities
97.12 Public tree care
97.13 Remedial action by property owner regarding dead, diseased or infected trees
97.14 Topping, disfiguring and damaging of trees
97.15 Pruning, corner clearance, street lamp and traffic control obstruction
97.16 Removal or damage to public trees
97.17 Nominations for designation of protected or historic trees
97.18 Pruning, removal or excavation relating to protected or historic trees
97.19 Interference with Forestation Board
97.20 Arborist permit, bond, insurance and agreed standards
97.21 Review by City Council
97.99 Penalty