A.   Abandoned Containers: No person shall have on any lot any abandoned or unattended refrigerator or other similar appliance with a capacity greater than one and one-half (1-1/2) cubic feet, and which has an airtight door or lid which may be opened or fastened shut by means of an attached latch, and which may not be released from the inside.
(1989 Code § 11-208)
   B.   Depositing Litter Onto Public Ways And Property: No person shall sweep or deposit any litter onto any public place or public way except in public containers. Persons owning or occupying property shall keep the sidewalk and any right of way on their property free of litter.
(1989 Code § 11-209)
   C.   Throwing Litter From Vehicles: No person shall throw or deposit litter from a vehicle upon any public way or public place.
(1989 Code § 11-210)
   D.   Spilling Loads; Deposits From Tires: No person shall drive or move any vehicle unless such vehicle is constructed or loaded to prevent any litter or material from being blown or deposited upon any public way or public place; nor shall any person drive or move any vehicle whose wheels or tires deposit dirt, mud, sticky substances, or similar material on a public way or public place.
(1989 Code § 11-211)
   Certain nuisances enumerated, see subsection 4-1-3B of this code
   Depositing refuse onto public ways, see section 7-1-3 of this code