It shall be unlawful for any person to sweep, throw or in any other manner deposit any dirt, trash, scraps or pieces of paper or other materials, ashes, cinders or any other refuse matter of any kind, from any dwelling house, store, grocery, shop, office, hotel or other place of business or building or premises, onto or upon any public street, public avenue, public square or public grounds within the city limits, or onto or upon any sidewalk or crosswalk in any such street, avenue, public square or public grounds, without the consent of the city council. Any owner(s), lessee(s), proprietor, occupant(s) of any dwelling house, store, grocery, shop, office, hotel or other place of business or building or premises who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, or cause the same to be violated, or suffer or permit the same to be violated, by any person in his or her employ, or as his or her agent or otherwise, shall be subject to the penalty provided in title 1, chapter 4 of this code.
   See also subsection 8-4-8B of this code