Auto service stations, including gasoline stations and automobile repair garages, and other drive-in facilities may be approved as Special Uses in the C-2 District by the Board of Zoning Appeals, upon the latter's finding, pursuant to a public hearing, that such uses will not create detrimental or hazardous conditions. In addition, all such service stations and drive-in facilities must meet the following conditions.
(a) Minimum lot area for gasoline stations is 10,000 square feet, and minimum lot width is 100 feet.
(b) No street entrance or exit for vehicles, and no portion of the premises or equipment of such service station or other drive-in use shall be located:
(1) Within 200 feet of a street entrance or exit of any school, park or playground conducted for and attended by children.
(2) Within 100 feet of any hospital, church or public library, chapel or convent.
(3) Within seventy-five feet of a lot in a residential district, as established in these standards.
(4) Within thirty feet of the intersection of any two lot lines.
(5) Within fifteen feet of any other street entrance or exit for vehicles.
(c) Parking and vehicular access shall be so arranged that there will be no need for motorists to back over sidewalks or into streets.
(d) The width of any entrance or exit driveway shall not exceed thirty feet at its intersection with the curb line or edge of pavement in the public right of way.
(e) No oil draining pit or visible appliance for such purpose shall be located within twelve feet of any street lot line, or within twenty-five feet of any R District, except where such appliance or pit is enclosed entirely within a building.
(f) No equipment above the surface of the ground, for the service of motor vehicles, shall be located closer than thirty feet to any property line.
(g) Restroom areas shall be screened from the public right of way.