   A sketch plan should show the following data, legibly drawn to scale, but not necessarily showing precise dimensions:
   (a)    Tract boundaries and location;
   (b)    Name of Municipality;
   (c)    North point, scale, date;
   (d)    Significant topographic and physical features; and
   (e)    Proposed general street and lot layout.
(Ord. 1-79. Passed 6-18-79.)
   The Preliminary Plan shall be drawn at a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch.
   (a)   Information to be Shown on Preliminary Plan.  The Preliminary Plan shall show:
      (1)    Title block containing the name of the subdivision, City, owner of site, date, graphic scale, name and profession of individual preparing the Plan;
      (2)    North point;
      (3)    Location map showing relation of tract to adjoining properties, existing road and highway system, existing public utilities and City boundaries.
      (4)    Tract boundaries showing bearings and distances;
      (5)    Names of owners of all adjoining property and the names of all abutting subdivisions; 
      (6)    Contours at vertical intervals of five feet and datum to which contour elevations refer (for subdivisions involving new roads and/or watercourses);
      (7)    Existing watercourses and other significant natural features;
      (8)    Existing buildings, sewer, water mains, culverts, transmission lines, fire hydrants and other significant man-made features;
      (9)    All existing or recorded streets on or adjacent to the tract, including name, right-of-way width and width of pavement;
      (10)    Location and width of proposed streets, rights of way, and easements; proposed lot lines, areas to be dedicated to public use; and
      (11)   Total acreage, number of lots and existing zoning classification.
   (b)    Material to be Submitted with Preliminary Plan.  The following information, data and documents shall be submitted with the  Preliminary Plan:
      (1)    Copies of existing or proposed deed restrictions, if any;
      (2)    Tentative cross-sections and centerline profiles for each proposed street;
      (3)    Preliminary designs of proposed bridges or culverts;
      (4)    Drawing of present and proposed grades and facilities for storm water drainage, sanitary sewers and water mains;
      (5)    Sketch of entire proposed street layout where the Preliminary Plan covers only part of the subdivider’s holdings;
      (6)    Letters from utility companies indicating approval of proposed easements or locations for utility service facilities;
      (7)    Estimated cost of required improvement; and
      (8)    Evidence that the subdivider has a current West Virginia Department of Highways Occupancy Permit for the subdivisions abutting a State Highway. (Ord. 1-79. Passed 6-18-79.)
1313.04  FINAL PLAN.
   The Final Plan to be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval and subsequent recording shall be either drawn with india ink on tracing cloth or be a transparent reproduction of the Final Plan with black lines on cloth or stable plastic base film. The Final Plan shall be at a scale of fifty to 100 feet to the inch and shall be on a sheet no smaller than 18" x 22" and no larger than 22" x 36". If the Final Plan is drawn in two or more sections, a key map showing the locations of the sections shall be placed on each sheet.
   (a)    Information to be Shown on Final Plan.  The Final Plan shall show:
      (1)    Title block containing the name of the subdivision, City, owner of site, date, graphic scale, name and profession of individual preparing the Plan;
      (2)    North point;
      (3)    Location map showing relation of tract to adjoining properties, existing road and highway system, existing public utilities and City boundaries;
      (4)    Tract boundaries showing bearings and distances; 
      (5)    Existing significant natural or man-made features;
      (6)    Existing and proposed streets and lot lines with distances and bearings of all straight lines; and radii, arcs and central angles of all curves;
      (7)    Areas to be dedicated to public use;
      (8)    Names, bearing and width of right of way and easements; and
      (9)    Certification, with seal, by a registered professional engineer or surveyor to the effect that the survey and map are correct.
   (b)    Material to be Submitted with Final Plan.  The following information, data, and documents shall be submitted with the Final Plan:
      (1)    Corrected and updated material from the Preliminary Plan;
      (2)    Detailed drawings and specifications for:
         A.    All improvements in Preliminary Plan drawings.
         B.    Sanitary sewerage disposal system.
         C.    Water supply system.
      (3)    A certificate from the subdivider, that all required improvements have been installed in accordance with specifications, or that a satisfactory performance guarantee has been filed with the City;
      (4)    Certificates from Mercer County Department of Health, approving subdivision's public water supply and sanitary sewer system;
      (5)    A certificate from the City Inspector that the improvements have been inspected and found to be installed in accordance with specifications.
         (Ord. 1-79. Passed 6-18-79.)