(a)    Special Schedule of Tap-in Fees.  The Sanitary Board may, by order duly entered on its records, determine that the proposed construction of an extension or lateral line of the public sewers of the City, whether within or without the corporate limits, will entail a cost beyond the revenues to be derived from fees, and in such case the Sanitary Board may determine a special schedule of fees for tap-ins to be made along such extension or lateral line by order entered of record. After such special schedule of fees is determined, if a majority of the owners of buildings or other improvements to be served thereby nevertheless file a written petition with such Sanitary Board containing the special schedule of fees, and petition the Board to make such extension and charge the schedule of fees, then the Sanitary Board may make such extension, and all tap-in permits to such extension or lateral line issued in accordance with subsection (b) hereof shall, as a prerequisite to the issuance thereof, require the payment of the tap-in fee in accordance with such special schedule.
   (b)    Tap-in Permit for Each Connection.
      (1)    The Sanitary Board shall, upon application and upon the payment in cash of the proper tap-in fee, issue to such applicant a written permit to tap or connect, either directly or indirectly, to the public sewers of the City, a private drain or sewer from any building or other improvement. A  separate written permit shall be issued and a separate fee shall be paid for each building or other improvement as defined herein, so connected directly or indirectly with such public sewer.
      (2)    Any building or improvement not constituting an integral part of another building or improvement although appurtenant thereto, whether located on the same or another lot, shall be considered a separate building or improvement for the purposes of this article, and require a separate permit and the payment of a separate fee. A garage apartment shall be considered such a separate building or improvement.
   (c)    Time Limit of Tap-in Permits.  The tap-in permit, after being properly issued, unless revoked as herein provided for, shall be an authorization to the holder thereof to make the connection therein described within one year from the date of the issuance thereof, but after the end of such year all rights of the holder to make such connection shall cease and terminate.
   (d)    Disconnection of Unauthorized Tap.  If any person shall, without first obtaining a permit as provided in this article, tap or connect a private drain, sewer or building, either directly or indirectly, as set forth, or violate any section hereof, the Sanitary Board may in addition to the other penalties or remedies provided for, disconnect such drain, sewer or building.
   (e)    Instructions; Inspections.  The holder of a tap-in permit shall, before making any such tap-in or connection, apply to the Manager or the Engineer of the Sanitary Board, or any other authorized employee of the Sanitary Board, for instructions as to the manner of making such connection. In making such connection he shall follow faithfully such instructions, and after such connection has been made and before covering or concealing such connection, apply to the Manager, Engineer or employee of the Sanitary Board to have an inspection made of the connection, and shall cause the connection to remain uncovered and unconcealed until such inspection is made. The Manager, Engineer or employee of the Sanitary Board may require, in giving such instructions, that the private sewer or drain from such building or other structure to the point of connection shall be uncovered or exposed until inspection has been made and the holder shall, if required, relay or improve such private line between such points to the end that no surface water may enter therein.
   (f)    Advancement of Moneys for New Construction.  If any person desires that a lateral or extension be made of a public sewer line belonging to the City, located in or out of the corporate limits, and if the Sanitary Board is of the opinion that funds cannot be spared for building or extension of such line, the Sanitary Board is authorized and empowered in its discretion to enter into a written contract on behalf of the City with such person, whereby a part or all of the cost of constructing such extension or lateral line shall be advanced to the City without interest by such person, with the understanding and agreement that such funds advanced shall be repaid without  interest from time to time to such person out of tap-in fees in accordance with the special schedule of fees for tapping in such extension, received from tap-ins or connections with such extension or lateral line from time to time, until the advancement is repaid in full, but without interest. Such agreement to be effective shall be in writing, shall be submitted to and approved by the authorized attorney and the Sanitary Board, and spread upon the minute book of the Board at the time of such approval; and upon such approval being given, the Manager shall execute the agreement on behalf of the Sanitary Board. When the agreement is made, the Sanitary Board shall enter an account upon a ledger book of the Board, which account shall show the persons making such an advance and shall describe the extension or lateral line constructed with reasonable accuracy; and the amount advanced, together with the repayments thereon, from time to time, shall be entered on such account. The ledger accounts shall be kept in a separate ledger book maintained for that purpose.
   (g)    Line from Property to Main Sewer.
(1)    A building sewer or service from the public sewer to property line shall be constructed by the Sanitary Board, after issuance of a tap-in permit, when required by the Sanitary Board.
      (2)    At the time of issuance of a permit, the applicant shall be required to deposit with the Sanitary Board sufficient money to cover the estimated cost. Cost shall be defined as cost to the Sanitary Board of materials, labor and transportation, plus fifteen percent (15%) to cover overhead. The applicant shall agree to pay any overrun within reason and the Sanitary Board will, after computation of actual cost, refund to the applicant such money as remains, if the cost is less than the deposit for construction. The applicant will be given a statement of the cost in sufficient detail and the Sanitary Board will keep a ledger or card file in which a detail of the cost of each building sewer is entered.
      (3)    Building sewers or service lines from the property line to the main sewer outside the corporation line will be constructed by the Sanitary Board at the discretion of the Board and only upon payment of an additional twenty percent (20%) over and above the costs mentioned in this section.
      (4)    Schedule of fees for tap-in permits outside of the City will also be twenty percent (20%) higher than charged within the corporate limits.
         (1975 Code Sec. 15-34 to 15-40)