In the event any sidewalk or driveway entrance shall become out of repair, and the property owner has not upon his own initiative repaired it, the City Manager may serve a notice upon the owner of the property adjacent to the sidewalk or driveway entrance so out of repair, if he be a resident, or upon his agent if he be a nonresident, requiring the owner to repair or rebuild, where necessary, any such sidewalk or driveway entrance within a time stated in the notice. In the event of the failure of the property owner, or his agent, to rebuild or repair the sidewalk or driveway entrance within the specified time, the City Manager may have such work done and may assess the cost thereof against the abutting land owner, and the amount thereof may be collected by the City Treasurer by distress and sale, or otherwise as provided by law for the collection of taxes, and it may be docketed in the office of the County Clerk as a lien against the property in the same manner as an original sidewalk assessment; provided, that where a dangerous condition exists in such sidewalk or driveway, the property owner shall not be required to begin such repair or rebuilding within less than ten days from the receipt of such notice.
(1975 Code Sec. 17-9)