A license to manufacture, distribute or sell nonintoxicating beer shall be issued by the City Clerk to any person holding a State license so to do, who applies for a corresponding City license, and who submits a written application for a license, which application shall state under oath:
   (a)    As to individuals:
      (1)    That he has been a resident of the State for five years or more, and the name and residence address of the applicant and the length of time he has lived at such residence;
      (2)    That he is a citizen of the United States;
      (3)    The place of birth of the applicant, and if the applicant is a naturalized citizen, the time and place of such naturalization;
      (4)    That the applicant has never been convicted of a felony.
   (b)    As to all applicants:
      (1)    The location of the place or building where the applicant intends to operate;
      (2)    The name of the owner of the building, and if such owner is not the applicant, that such applicant is the actual lessee of the premises;
      (3)    That the place or building where he intends to operate reasonably conforms to all laws and health and fire regulations applicable thereto, and is a safe and proper place or building.
         (1975 Code Sec. 3-7)