(a)    The City Clerk, upon reasonable notice to the licensee, may summarily revoke any license issued by him for any reason which would have been grounds for denial of such license when first issued, for violation of any pertinent provision of State law, the Codified Ordinances or other ordinance, or for the perpetration or attempted perpetration of fraud, malpractice or malfeasance by the licensee, without prejudice to prosecution of such licensee by the City.
   (b)    Any person having an interest in any license so revoked and who feels aggrieved thereby may request the City Clerk to further investigate the grounds for revocation and to reconsider his action, and if the City Clerk accedes to such request he may suspend or reinstate the license pending his final decision. If the City Clerk refuses to accede to such request, or if, upon reconsideration, he affirms his revocation of the license, the party so aggrieved may appeal to City Council, which shall, without delay, afford such person a public hearing at which he may appear in person or by counsel, and may have the attendance of witnesses, books and papers in his behalf, and may testify in person. The decision of City Council following such hearing shall be final, subject only to such judicial review as may be provided by law.
(1975 Code Sec. 10-15)