10-4-1: R-1 Residential
10-4-2: R-2 Residential - High Density
10-4-3: R-5 Rural Development
10-4-4: MU-R Mixed-Use Residential
10-4-5: MU-C Mixed-Use Commercial
10-4-6: C Commercial
10-4-7: LI Light Industrial
10-4-8: MUN Municipal Use
10-4-9: AP-O Airport Overlay
10-4-10: FPM Forest Products Manufacturing
10-4-11: DRO Design Review Overlay District
10-4-12: DROH Design Review Overlay Historic District (Rep. by Ord. 616, 4-19-2021)
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R-1 District is to provide for a large lot residential environment at housing densities consistent with the physical characteristics of the area. Manufactured home placement standards shall not exceed placement standards required of other single-family dwellings in this district.
B. Principal Uses Permitted Outright:
Agriculture, but not including the keeping of large animals on any lot of less than one acre and limited to no more than one large animal per acre.
Home occupations; that generate less than ten (10) trips per day, require no large delivery trucks unless located on an established truck route and have a current City business registration (refer to subsection 10-7-5J of this title).
Parks controlled and maintained by the City of Priest River, Bonner County, the State of Idaho, or a responsible association approved by the City Council.
Single-family dwellings, including manufactured homes if they meet the manufactured home placement standards adopted by the City per section 10-7-7 of this title.
Uses and structures customarily incidental to a principal use permitted outright. All accessory uses require a building permit unless declared exempt under City building permit guidelines.
C. Conditional Uses:
Daycare and pre-school facilities.
Planned unit developments.
Power substations screened from the public view.
Uses substantially similar to an established use as determined per section 10-3-6 of this title.
A commercial use that is located adjacent to a pre-existing residential use must provide noise buffering and privacy screening between the two (2) uses by means of a fence, wall, or landscaping.
D. Density Provisions:
1. No more than one permanent dwelling unit allowed per lot.
2. Lots must be no less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet or at the Administrators discretion within three hundred (300) square feet.
3. Lots must be a minimum of eighty feet (80') in width at the front setback line.
4. Lot depth must not be less than one hundred feet (100').
5. The front yard setback must be a minimum of twenty five feet (25'), measured from the front property line to the furthest architectural projection.
6. Side yard setback must be no less than ten feet (10') from the furthest architectural projection.
7. Side yard setback flanking the street of a corner lot must be no less than twenty feet (20'). On a corner lot in any district, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to materially impede vision between a height of two and one-half feet (21/2') and ten feet (10') above the center line grades of the intersection streets in the area bounded by the right-of-way lines of such corner lots and a line joining points along said street right-of-way lines twenty five feet (25') from the point of intersection.
8. Rear yard setbacks must be no less than twenty feet (20') from the furthest architectural projection.
9. Accessory use setbacks must be no less than five feet (5') from rear and side property lines.
10. Building height must not be more than two (2) stories and shall not exceed thirty six feet (36'). (Ord. 597, 8-6-2018; amd. Ord. 634, 6-17-2024)
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R-2 District is to provide for residential environments at a higher density than those provided for in the R-1 District. Manufactured home placement standards shall not exceed placement standards required of other single- family dwellings in this district.
B. Principal Uses Permitted Outright:
Agriculture, but not including the keeping of large animals on any lot of less than one acre and limited to no more than one large animal per acre.
Home occupations; that generate less than ten (10) trips per day, require no large delivery trucks unless located on an established truck route and have a current City business registration (refer to subsection 10-7-5J of this title).
Parks controlled and maintained by the City of Priest River, Bonner County, the State of Idaho, or a responsible association approved by the City Council.
Single-family dwellings, including manufactured homes if they meet the manufactured home placement standards adopted by the City per section 10-7-7 of this title.
Uses and structures customarily incidental to a principal use permitted outright. All accessory uses require a building permit unless declared exempt under City building permit guidelines.
C. Conditional Uses:
Community center or nonprofit senior center.
Daycare and pre-school facilities.
Golf course, country club, or tennis club.
Manufactured home park conforming to section 10-12-1 of this title and lying within a planned unit development.
Multi-family dwellings provided they shall meet the setback requirements of single-family dwellings.
Planned unit developments.
Power substations screened from the public view.
Uses substantially similar to an established use as determined per section 10-3-6 of this title.
A commercial use that is located adjacent to a pre-existing residential use must provide noise buffering and privacy screening between the two (2) uses by means of a fence, wall, or landscaping.
D. Density Provisions:
1. No more than one permanent dwelling unit allowed per lot.
2. Lots must be no less than six thousand (6,000) square feet or at the Administrators discretion within three hundred (300) square feet.
3. Lots must be a minimum of fifty feet (50') in width at the front setback line.
4. Lot depth must not be less than fifty feet (50').
5. The front yard setback must be a minimum of fifteen feet (15'), measured from the front property line to the furthest architectural projection.
6. Side yard setback must be no less than five feet (5') from the furthest architectural projection.
7. Side yard setback flanking the street of a corner lot must be no less than fifteen feet (15'). On a corner lot in any district, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to materially impede vision between a height of two and one-half feet (21/2') and ten feet (10') above the center line grades of the intersection streets in the area bounded by the right-of-way lines of such corner lots and a line joining points along said street right-of-way lines twenty five feet (25') from the point of intersection.
8. Rear yard setbacks must be no less than fifteen feet (15') from the furthest architectural projection.
9. Accessory use setbacks must be no less than five feet (5') from rear and side property lines.
10. Building height must not be more than two (2) stories and shall not exceed thirty six feet (36'). (Ord. 597, 8-6-2018; amd. Ord. 605, 8-5-2019; Ord. 634, 6-17-2024)