Ord. No. Date Subject Disposition
195-A 1-21-1974 Adopting and enacting City Code. Special
196 8-26-1974 Raise City's proprietary revenue.
197 9-3-1974 Funds for general and special purposes.
198 6-16-1975 Sewer use charge.
199 8-18-1975 Amend sewer use charge.
200 7-19-1976 Amend building permit fee.
201 8-2-1976 Study of pensions for Municipal employees.
202 11-1-1976 2 hour parking.
203 11-15-1976 Employee retirement system.
203-A 4-4-1977 Flood plain identification.
204 12-6-1976 Providing for maximum fine.
204-A 8-2-1977 Annexation of property - Chech Inn and Highway 99-South. Special
205 12-6-1976 Restricted parking zone on A Avenue.
205-A 8-2-1977 Change of regular Council meeting time.
206 9-6-1977 Regulations of parks and recreation.
207 1-3-1978 Flood hazard prevention.
208 10-4-1977 Restricted parking on 14th Street.
209 10-4-1977 Unlawful possession of controlled dangerous substance (marijuana).
210 11-15-1977 Annexation of property (Spitler property-southwest of City). Special
211 11-15-1977 2 hour parking.
212 12-6-1977 Annexation of property (golf course Parks property). Special
213 2-7-1978 Amend City Code referring to Fire Department.
214 2-7-1978 Change City Council meeting time.
215 3-20-1978 Prague Municipal cemetery.
216 7-3-1978 Cost of cemetery lots.
217 7-17-1978 Prohibit truck traffic on 8th Street.
218 8-21-1978 Annexation of property (Drive-in Theater). Special
219 8-21-1978 Annexation of property (Southeast Special
of Tri-County and Highway 99).
220 8-21-1978 Annex property (Prague Airport). Special
221 9-5-1978 Annex Eugene Pickett property. Special
222 9-18-1978 Annex old highway from airport to current City limits. Special
223 9-18-1978 Vehicle inspection stickers.
224 9-18-1978 Specify amount and condition of bail for violation of ordinance or Code.
225 9-18-1978 Changes in Plumbing Ordinance.
226 10-2-1978 Annex John Onderek property. Special
227 11-6-1978 Annex additional property at airport. Special
228 11-6-1978 Prohibit truck traffic on North Barta.
229 1-15-1979 Court cost issued by judge.
230 2-19-1979 Inspection for gas piping and specifications for PVC.
231 3-5-1979 Quorum for Planning Commission.
232 3-19-1979 Provide 2 hour parking limit; set fines.
233 4-16-1979 Prohibit truck traffic on all streets located in Anderson Addition.
234 11-20-1979 Grant Cablevision franchise.
234-A 5-21-1979 Election on Cablevision franchise.
235 6-18-1979 Amend retirement fund and retirement system.
236 6-18-1979 Annex property (easement and site of water tower). Special
237 6-18-1979 Annex property owned by Gene Greer. Special
238 7-16-1979 Annex property owned by Edna Gillum. Special
239 9-4-1979 Annex property owned by Paul/Emily Spitler north of City. Special
240 9-4-1979 Adopt zoning ordinances.
241 9-17-1979 Annex property - Maxine Kingsbury. Special
242 10-1-1979 Change City Council meetings.
243 11-6-1979 Levy additional sales tax.
244 12-18-1979 Amend sales tax ordinance.
245 1-2-1980 Annex property - C.A. Henderson. Special
246 1-15-1980 Correct legal description of Ordinance 237.
247 -- Sewer rules and regulations.
248 4-16-1980 Establish maximum vehicle weights in residential areas.
249 2-17-1981 Changes to electrical code.
250 3-16-1981 Rules and regulations for consumption of intoxicating beverages.
251 5-18-1981 Change time of City Council meetings.
252 7-6-1981 Sanitary sewer service.
253 5-18-1981 Change time of City Council meetings.
253 7-1-1981 Levy City sales tax.
254 11-2-1981 Change of City Council meetings.
255 11-16-1981 Create office of City Electrical Inspector.
256 11-16-1981 Restricted parking on Main Street.
257 12-14-1981 Amend ordinance relating to sanitary sewer system.
258 1-11-1982 Establish Police Board of Review.
259 3-8-1982 Rules and regulations for police reserve.
260 3-8-1982 Raising amount of money that may be expended by City Manager without competitive bidding.
261 5-10-1982 Amend Article 6, park commissioners, Park Board created.
262 5-10-1982 Amend Chapter 5, peddler's license.
263 7-12-1982 Amend charge for holiday and weekend grave openings.
264 --
265 --
266 --
267 --
268 4-11-1983 Amending Chapter 3 - Animals.
269 6-13-1983 Adopting Code of ordinances. Special
270 8-8-1983 Amending Part 15, Chapter 7 Stopping, Standing and Parking Generally. 15-228, 15-726
271 10-10-1983 Amending Part 15, Chapter 3 Traffic and Vehicles - Vehicle Equipment, Inspection. 15-229
272 1-9-1984 Amending employee retirement system. 2-710
273 5-14-1984 Time of sale of nonintoxicating beverages. 3-203
274 8-13-1984 Prague Cable Television Ordinance rate schedule. App. 1
275 11-5-1984 Sales Tax Ordinance amendment. 7-209
276 2-11-1985 Fire Service authorized outside City limits. 13-211
277 4-8-1985 Prague Lake regulations. 11-401– 11-460
278 5-13-1985 Amending prosecuting attorney duties; conflict of interest. 6-115
279 9-8-1985 Authorizing Public Works Authority to operate and maintain the solid waste (Class 6) landfill. 17-501– 17-512
280 12-9-1985 Fixing fees and mileage that are to be paid to jurors and witnesses. 6-128
281 12-9-1985 Provide for removal of drainage obstruction in ditches, curbs, storm or drainageways. 14-112
282 7-14-1986 Providing for solicitor's license. 9-101– 9-105
283 7-14-1986 Increasing excise tax from 2% to 3%. 7-207, 7-208
284 11-10-1986 Blinds for waterfowl hunting permitted. 11-436
285 1-12-1987 Prohibiting the accumulation of trash or weeds on property. 8-115– 8-117
286 1-12-1987 Providing for cleaning and mowing property. 8-101–8-107
287 3-9-1987 Flood damage prevention. 12-301–12-318
288 4-20-1987 Levying and assessing a City excise tax of 1%. 7-207, 7-208, 7-215–7-217
289 3-14-1988 Unauthorized U-turns and improper turns for parking. (7th and 12th St.) 15-904
290 9-12-1988 Unauthorized U-turns and improper turns for parking. (4th and 12th St.) 15-904
291 8-14-1989 Raising general penalty to $200.00. (Sec. 1-108) 1-108
292 12-11-1989 Specifying court costs not to exceed $15.00 plus fees and mileage of jurors and witnesses. 6-131
293 6-11-1990 Changing corporate and ward limits. Special
294 2-11-1991 Specifying court costs to be assessed not to exceed $32.50. 6-131
295 5-13-1991 Court costs. 6-131
296 -- Failed.
297 5-11-1992 Weeds and grass; dilapidated buildings. 8-101; Part 8, Ch. 5
298 6-15-1992 Employee retirement system. Special
299 6-15-1992 Fair housing. Part 5, Ch. 7
300 6-15-1992 Use tax. Part 7, Ch. 5
301 7-13-1992 Amplification systems. 10-309
302 1-11-1993 Ward number and boundaries. 1-202
303 4-19-1993 Repealer--Police Board of Review. Part 13, Ch. 4, Art. B
304 6-15-1993 Abandoned, wrecked autos. Part 15, Ch. 12
305 11-8-1993 Sales tax. Part 7, Ch. 2
305-A 7-26-1993 Repealer--landfill as utility. 17-502
305-B 7-12-1993 Cemetery burial. 11-222
306 7-12-1993 Sales and display booths. Part 9. Ch. 2
307 10-11-1993 City Clerk/Treasurer. 2-401, 2-402
308 10-25-1993 Refuse containers. 17-403
309 11-8-1993 Dumpster fees. 17-404
310 12-13-1993 Use tax. 7-502
311 1-10-1994 Adoption of building code. 5-101
312 1-10-1994 Adoption of fire prevention code. 13-101
313 1-10-1994 Adoption of mechanical code. 5-901
314 1-10-1994 Adoption of housing code. 5-801
315 9-19-1994 Vacation. Special
316 11-14-1994 Garbage collection. 17-405
317 11-14-1994 Rezone. Special
318 12-12-1994 Rezone. Special
318-A 8-14-1995 Rezone. Special
319 4-10-1995 Sales and display booths. Part 9, Ch. 2
319-A 8-14-1995 Rezone. Special
320 6-12-1995 Airport height restriction zoning. Special
321 10-25-1995 Sales tax. 7-202
322 2-12-1996 Use tax. 7-502
R96-02 3-18-1996 Rates for rural fire runs. 13-212
323 4-8-1996 Retirement plan. Special
324 8-12-1996 Garage and residential sales. Part 9, Ch. 3
324-B 10-16-1996 Fair housing. Part 5, Ch. 7
325 12-9-1996 Fire Chief. 13-201
326 1-13-1997 Rezone. Special
327 2-10-1997 Rezone. Special
328 4-14-1997 Redesignation of Lake Fund to Emergency Reserve Fund. Special
329 4-14-1997 Annexation. Special
330 4-14-1997 Rezone. Special
331 4-24-1997 Zoning, annexed property. Special
R97-04 4-24-1997 Payment of utility bills. 17-102
R97-05 5-12-1997 Emergency management. Part 13, Ch. 3
332 6-9-1997 Annexation. Special
333 -- Zoning, annexed property. Special
334 6-9-1997 Annexation. Special
335 6-9-1997 Zoning, annexed property. Special
336 -- Tabled.
337 6-12-1997 Employee deferred compensation plan. Part 2, Ch. 7, Art. C
R97-11 7-23-1997 Sewer rates. 17-329
R97-12 9-8-1997 Method of utility billing. Special
R97-13 10-13-1997 Contract with Prague Elderly 60+ Senior Citizens. Special
338 11-10-1997 Annexation. Special
R98-07 9-14-1998 Ministerial Alliance Chaplin Program. 13-309
339 12-14-1998 Amending deferred compensation plan. Special
340 2-8-1999 Use tax. 7-502
341 8-9-1999 Annexation. Special
342 9-13-1999 Amending defined contribution retirement system. Special
343 10-18-1999 Lake fees and regulations. 11-410, 11-411, 11-421, 11-422, 11-432, 11-440, 11-442
344 11-8-1999 Sewer connection charges. 17-302
R99-10 11-8-1999 Bulk water purchases. Special
345 1-10-2000 Annexation. Special
346 1-10-2000 Annexation. Special
347 1-10-2000 Annexation. Special
348 1-10-2000 Annexation. Special
349 1-10-2000 Annexation. Special
353 2-14-2000 Adopting zoning ordinance, official zoning map and Prague Municipal Airport height zoning map. 12-201
354 2-14-2000 Volunteer firefighters. 13-207
357 6-21-2000 All-terrain vehicles. Part 15, Ch. 15
358 8-14-2000 Insulting signs, literature or language. 10-302
359 10-9-2000 Annexation. Special
360 -- Did not pass.
361 1-16-2001 Sales tax. 7-202
361 10-10-2005 Sales tax. 7-202
361 10-8-2012 Sales tax. 7-202
362 4-9-2001 Use tax. 7-502
363 5-14-2001 Use tax. 7-502
364 6-11-2001 Amend employee retirement system defined contribution plan. Special
365 8-13-2001 Amend employee retirement system defined contribution plan. Special
366 8-13-2001 Amend retirement defined contribution plan. Special
367 8-13-2001 Annexation. Special
368 10-12-2001 Purchasing approval by council. 7-105
369 10-12-2001 When competitive bidding not required. 7-107A1
370 12-10-2001 Camping fees. 11-442A2
371 3-11-2002 Covering windows and doors prohibited.10-217
372 3-14-2002 Annexation. Special
373 5-3-2002 Annexation. Special
374 5-13-2002 De-annexation. Special
375 5-13-2002 Annexation. Special
376 8-12-2002 Annexation. Special
377 8-12-2002 Off road vehicles. 11-407
377A 10-15-2002 Community development block grant. Special
378 3-10-2003 Amend retirement defined contribution plan. Special
379 3-10-2003 Amend retirement defined benefit plan for retirees. Special
380 3-10-2003 Flood damage prevention. Part 12, Ch. 3
381 3-10-2003 Ward number and boundaries. 1-202
382 6-9-2003 City manager retirement defined contribution plan. Part 2, Ch. 7, Art. D
383 6-9-2003 Amend retirement defined contribution plan. Special
384 8-11-2003 Fees for spaces and grave openings. 11-214
385 2-9-2004 Purchases, how made. 7-104
386 2-9-2004 Time of regular council meetings. 2-202
387 10-12-2004 Amend retirement defined contribution plan. Special
388 11-14-2005 Adoption of building code. 5-101
389 11-14-2005 Adoption of mechanical code. 5-901
390 11-14-2005 Adoption of residential code. 5-801
391 11-14-2005 Adoption of fuel gas code. 5-401
392 11-14-2005 Adoption of fire code. 13-101
393 11-14-2005 Adoption of plumbing code. 5-201, 5-202
394 1-9-2006 Council members allowed to serve as volunteers. 2-204
395 1-9-2006 New fire department members. 13-207A
396 2-13-2006 Falcon Cable Media franchise. App. 1
397 5-8-2006 Cemetery provisions. 11-208, 11-211, 11-213, 11-214, 11-215, 11-222
398 8-14-2006 General penalty; security verification form violation. 1-108A, 15-229B
399 8-14-2006 Inspection of vehicles. 15-306
400 1-8-2007 Adopts code. Front of code
401 7-9-2007 Rezone. Special
402 1-14-2008 Rezone. Special
403 1-14-2008 Volunteer firefighters. 13-202A
404 7-14-2008 Jake brakes. 15-555
405 10-13-2008 Rezone. Special
406 10-13-2008 Rezone. Special
407 10-13-2008 Rezone. Special
408 12-8-2008 Consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors. Part 10, Ch. 8
409 12-8-2008 Electric service. Part 17, Ch. 6
410 2-9-2009 Maximum number of dogs and cats. 4-103
411 3-9-2009 Amend retirement defined benefit plan for retirees. Special
412 5-11-2009 Permit fees. 5-203; 5-204; 5-307D12,E; 5-902
413 5-11-2009 Rezone. Special
414 6-8-2009 Zoning ordinance amendment. Special
415 7-13-2009 Terminating retirement defined benefit plan for retirees. Special
416A 10-12-2009 Amend retirement defined contribution plan. Special
416B 10-12-2009 Amend city manager retirement defined contribution plan. Special
417 6-14-2010 Flood damage prevention. Part 12, Ch. 3
418 7-12-2010 Solicitors' licenses and selling goods on sidewalks. 9-102, 9-104
419 7-12-2010 Parks, recreation and tourism board. 11-107A intro, 11-108, 11-109
420 10-11-2010 Animal fees. 4-138, 4-165
421 4-11-2011 Rezone. Special
422 6-13-2011 Time of regular council meetings. 2-202
423 10-10-2011 Annexation. Special
424 10-10-2011 Annexation. Special
425 11-14-2011 Vehicle impound fee. 15-1315
426 11-14-2011 Prisoner housing fee. 6-131D
427 11-14-2011 Ward number and boundaries. 1-202
428 1-9-2012 Alcoholic beverages in parks. 11-104
429 2-13-2012 Police pension and retirement system. Part 2, Ch. 7, Art. E
430 2-13-2012 Tobacco products. Part 10, Ch. 9
431 2-13-2012 Smoking in public places and indoor workplaces. Part 8, Ch. 6
432 5-14-2012 Rezone. Special
433 6-11-2012 Rezone. Special
434 8-13-2012 Vacant property electrical inspection before connection. 17-602B
435 10-8-2012 Dilapidated buildings; graffiti. Part 8, Ch. 5
436 10-8-2012 Zoning ordinance amendment. Special
437 11-13-2012 Rezone. Special
438 1-14-2013 Zoning ordinance amendment. Special
439 3-11-2013 Residential alleys and easements. Part 14, Ch. 3
440 4-8-2013 Additional building regulations. 5-101.1
441 4-8-2013 Bulk water rates. Special
442 9-9-2013 Obstructing windows in taverns or cafes selling nonintoxicating beverages. 3-207
443 10-14-2013 Property maintenance. Part 8, Ch. 1; 8-308B,C,D
444 11-12-2013 Zoning ordinance amendment. Special
445 2-10-2014 Vehicle impound fee. 15-1315
446 5-12-2014 Annexation. Special
447 5-12-2014 Rezone. Special
448 9-8-2014 Unauthorized refuse disposal, hauling prohibited. 17-407
449 10-13-2014 Library Department; Board; Librarian. 11-301
450 12-8-2014 Annexation. Special
451 1-12-2015 Swimming pools, spas and hot tubs. 5-001
452 3-9-2015 Zoning ordinance amendment. Special
453 3-9-2015 Elected City official compensation; training; reimbursements. 2-505
454 5-11-2015 Zoning ordinance amendment. Special
455 7-13-2015 Amend employee retirement defined contribution plan. Special
456 7-13-2015 Amend employee retirement defined contribution plan. Special
457 10-12-2015 Prohibiting texting while driving. 15-556
458 10-12-2015 Zoning ordinance amendment. Special
459 11-9-2015 Tobacco use on City property prohibited. Part 8, Ch. 7
460 11-9-2015 Fees. 11-411; 11-422; 11-432; 11-442; Part 11, Ch. 4, Art. H
461 1-11-2016 Building permit fees. 5-107
462 1-11-2016 Electric service line installation. 17-608
463 4-11-2016 Dogs running at large. 4-130
464 4-10-2017 Annexation. Special
465 6-12-2017 Exceptions to discharging fireworks. 10-304D
466 8-14-2017 Detachment of real property. Special
467 9-11-2017 Smoking in public places and indoor workplaces. 8-602; 8-603; 8-604; 8-605; 8-606
468 10-9-2017 Zoning ordinance amendment. Special
469 1-8-2018 Court costs. 6-133
470 1-8-2018 Costs of incarceration. 6-134
471 2-12-2018 Rezone. Special
472 3-12-2018 Annexation. Special
473 5-14-2018 Refuse containers and service fees. 17-403; 17-404
474 9-10-2018 Intoxication and nonintoxicating beverages. 3-103; Part 3, Ch. 2; 10-401; 10-403
475 9-10-2018 Rezone. Special
476 9-10-2018 Medical marijuana. Part 9, Ch. 5
477 9-10-2018 Property Maintenance Code. Part 5, Ch. 11
478 9-10-2018 Contractors. Part 9, Ch. 4
479 1-14-2019 Only one interment to a space. 11-211
480 2-11-2019 Rezone. Special
481 2-11-2019 Amend Property Maintenance Code. 5-1102
482 5-13-2019 Flood damage prevention. 12-301A, 12-302, 12-303B, 12-305C1
483* 8-12-2019 Medical marijuana regulations. 18-101, 18-201 - 18-204
484 4-12-2021 Rezone. Special
485 4-12-2021 Rezone. Special
486 7-12-2021 Cable franchise. Appendix
487 8-9-2021 COVID-19 regulations. 8-801 - 8-808
488 9-13-2021 Dogs; running at large. 4-130
489 2-14-2022 Youth access to tobacco. 10-1001 - 10-1005
490 2-14-2022 Annexation. Special
491 3-14-2022 Zoning map change. Special
492 3-14-2022 Employee retirement system. Special
493 3-14-2022 Employee retirement system. Special
494 6-13-2022 Rezone. Special
495 9-14-2022 City wards. 1-202
496 3-13-2023 Manufactured homes. 12-402, 12-418, 12-478
497 7-10-2023 Modular homes. 12-402, 12-418, 12-478
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