Ord. No. Date Description
1951-94 9-19-51 Authorizes release of an easement granted by Jane M.G. Foster to the City for use during flood defense construction.
1952-12 2-6-52 Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. to lay and maintain a spur track across Campbell Ave.
1952-13 2-6-52 Norfolk and Western Ry. Co, to move crossing gate on west side of Gallia St.
1952-67 8-13-52 From Lydia Jan Lee to construct a storm sewer along east side of Lot 63 in Glendale Addition.
1952-78 9-17-52 Fowler Building owners to construct an outside stairway to the basement on west side thereof.
1952-81 10-1-52 Amends Ord. 1952-78.
1952-95 12-3-52 From Marcum and Gilliland to construct a storm sewer across their premises adjacent to Scherer's Hollow Rd.
1953-106 11-12-53 From Taylor for storm sewers and water lines over land north of Coles Blvd.
1953-121 12-23-53 Portsmouth Gas Co. to construct a gas main on City property near the Sunnyside Reservoir Tract.
1954-12 2-10-54 Portsmouth Gas Co. to construct and install 16 small pressure regulators on City property.
1954-31 3-10-54 Portsmouth Gas Co. to construct a gas main on City property near Gray Alley.
1954-68 5-12-54 Ohio Consolidated Telephone Co. to construct 4 new manholes connected by a 4 multiple tile duct.
1954-88 6-9-54 Vulcan Corp. to temporarily barricade parts of Buckeye and Kehoe Alleys and to extend a spur line.
1954-128 8-25-54 Portsmouth Mixed Concrete Co. to locate a 30-ton platform scale on Fifth St. west of Market St.
1954-154 11-10-54 Portsmouth Gas Co. to extend gas lines along Dorman and Daniels Drives.
1954-156 11-24-54 Ohio Consolidated Telephone Co. to construct 16 new manholes connected by multiple tile underground conduits.
1954-166 12-8-54 From Micklethwait and Stevens to construct and maintain a sewer line.
1954-168 12-8-54 George A. Sater Construction Co. to use public building known as East End Outpost.
1954-175 12-22-54 Michael Vournazos to drill a water well on City property.
1955-4 1-12-55 Portsmouth Community Antenna, Inc. to construct and maintain television coaxial cables.
1955-31 3-28-55 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install 3 small pressure regulators.
1955-54 5-23-55 From Caulley for sewer purposes over part of Lot 28 in Homewood Addition.
1955-59 6-13-55 From Clausing and Fleming for sewer purposes over part of Lots 18 and 25 Joseph Noel Second Allotment.
1955-94 8-8-55 From Marshall for sewer purposes over part of Lot 10 of the Solomon Noel Subdivision.
1955-95 8-8-55 From Nagel for sanitary and storm sewer purposes over land in Joseph Noel First Allotment.
1955-99 8-22-55 Portsmouth Community Antenna, Inc. to construct and maintain television coaxial cables.
1955-112 9-12-55 Appropriation of sewer easement over property of John Matiz.
1955-127 10-24-55 To Milton Wallace to construct a roadway over City land.
1955-134 10-24-55 Portsmouth Gas Co. to relocate a 10-inch high pressure main on the piers of the south side of the Little Scioto River bridge.
1955-142 11-14-55 Portsmouth Gas Co. to construct gas mains on City property.
1955-148 11-28-55 Ohio Consolidated Telephone Co. to install a tape armored underground cable.
1955-150 11-28-55 From John Matiz for sewer purposes over part of Lot 9 of Johnson's Second Allotment.
1955-152 12-14-55 City to install a telephone wire under spur track of Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. at No. 2 Flood Pumping Station near 11th and Washington Sts.
1955-153 12-14-55 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install gas pressure regulator at NE corner of Chillicothe and Front Sts.
1955-159 12-28-55 From Cassidy to remove earth slides to the rear of Lots 174 and 175 in Sunnyside Subdivision.
1956-6 1-16-56 From Nagle for sewer purposes over part of Lot 10 of Solomon Noel Subdivision.
1956-10 1-30-56 From Cole for temporary cul-de-sac at western end of proposed Wilson Ave. extension.
1956-33 3-12-56 From Chesapeake and Ohio Ry. Co. for sewer purposes over part of Lots 15 and 28 in Gaylord Subdivision.
1956-68 6-25-56 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install a gas main and pressure regulator in an alley parallel and between 6th and 7th Sts.
1956-70 6-25-56 From Padan for sewer purposes over land near intersection of Glen and Harding Aves.
1956-89 8-27-56 From Kilcoyne for a water main in an undedicated street running north from 27th St. to Dorman Dr. and parallel to Grandview Ave.
1956-90 8-27-56 Scioto T.V. Cable Co. to construct and maintain television coaxial cables.
1956-97 9-10-56 From Micklethwaite, Bobst, Chabot, Diener and Church of Latter Day Saints to clean a stream over a 20 ft. wide strip near Coles Blvd.
1956-120 11-12-56 From Littleton, Plummer, Arrowood and Cole to construct a new channel for the Scherer's Hollow Branch.
1956-121 11-12-56 From Moritz for sewer purposes on north side of Coles Blvd. in the Terra Alta Addition.
1956-133 11-26-56 Authorizes agreement with Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. to widen Gay St. at intersection with Chillicothe St.
1957-13 2-11-57 Ohio Power Co. to construct poles and lines across City property.
1957-25 2-25-57 From Fitch for sewer over Lots 1 and 2 of proposed Sheridan Addition.
1957-31 3-25-57 From Kimble and kinskey to clean the channel of a ditch near Lot 7 of Brentwood Addition.
1957-42 4-22-57 From Maynard for an outlet sewer from Harding Ave. Sewage Pumping Station to Little Scioto River.
1957-62 6-10-57 From Leadingham and Jenkins for erecting a wall on Lynn St. to prevent dirt slipping.
1957-75 7-22-57 Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. to remove 2 spur lines and relocate a third spur line crossing Broadway St.
1957-93 9-23-57 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install 2 gas pressure regulators.
1957-102 10-14-57 From Adams to maintain a sewer through the Altamont Addition.
1957-115 12-10-57 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install a pressure regulator on north side of Spring Lane.
1957-121 12-30-57 From Kimble to maintain a private sewer in Beechwood Hts. Subdivision.
1957-123 12-30-57 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install 2 gas mains.
1958-14 3-3-58 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install 2 gas mains; Repeals Ord. 1957-123.
1958-24 4-7-58 Riverview Yacht Club, Portsmouth Boat Club and Portsmouth Cruising Club to jointly erect a boat ramp at the foot of Court St.
1958-31 4-21-58 Portsmouth Boat Club and Portsmouth Cruising Club to jointly erect a boat ramp at the foot of Court St.; Repeals Ord. 1958-24.
1958-39 6-2-58 From Massie for storm sewer in the Bandurick Addition.
1958-56 7-21-58 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install 2 auxiliary gas regulators on a transmission main on 17th St.
1958-72 9-8-58 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install a main and pressure regulator in Charles St.
1958-88 11-3-58 Construction of sanitary outlet sewer from catch basins at west end Johnson St. across property of Charles King.
1959-16 2-2-59 General Telephone Co. to install underground cable, conduits and other facilities on Gallia St. in Sciotoville east of Bahner Rd.
1959-40 5-4-59 From Abbott for storm sewer in proposed Shawnee Court Addition.
1959-58 6-15-59 From the Board of Education for a portion of Lot 143 to improve turning radius at SW corner of 2nd and Chillicothe Sts.
1959-91 9-21-59 From Keller for a storm sewer in the North Moreland First Addition.
1959-92 9-21-59 Portsmouth Gas Co. to extend a main on 12th St. and to install 2 pressure regulators.
1959-110 11-2-59 From Kielmar for a storm sewer in the Sunnyside Addition.
1960-18 3-7-60 From Kielmar for storm and sanitary sewer in the Sunnyside Addition; Repeals Ord. 1959-110.
1960-26 4-18-60 Accepting 68 quit-claim deeds along the new arterial highway subject to easements of State for highway purposes.
1960-39 6-13-60 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install a main on the east side of Harrisonville Pike.
1960-50 7-25-60 Portsmouth Gas Co. to extend a gas main on Milldale Rd.
1960-51 7-25-60 Accepting 9 quit-claim deeds along the new arterial highway subject to easements of State for highway purposes.
1960-62 8-22-60 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install a main and regulator on Daniels Dr.
1960-65 9-12-60 General Telephone Co. to install underground cable, conduits and other facilities on Waller St., 24th St., Richardson Rd., Ritchie St., 27th St. and Chillicothe St.
1960-74 9-26-60 Amends Ord. 1960-65 re General Telephone Co. to install facilities on certain streets.
1961-25 5-1-61 Security Central National Bank to install underground pneumatic tube under 6th St. just east of Security Alley.
1961-39 6-19-61 To State Highway Dept. to complete the arterial highway in the vicinity of the Filtration Plant.
1961-68 10-23-61 Portsmouth Gas Co. to extend a main on Findlay St. and to install 2 pressure regulators.
1962-7 1-25-62 Quit-claim deed from Gero for a portion of the new arterial highway.
1962-17 3-8-62 Portsmouth Gas Co. to extend a main on Waller St.
1962-38 5-17-62 Portsmouth Gas Co. to extend a main from 8th and Findlay Sts. to Waller St.
1962-39 5-17-62 The Marting Bros. Co., Inc., to erect overhead structure across Waller Alley.
1962-49 6-14-62 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install auxiliary regulators at various locations.
1962-63 7-26-62 From Henderson for maintaining sewer on grantor's property.
1962-80 8-29-62 From Micklethwaite, Bowman, Chabot, Diener and Mursetter to clean a stream.
1962-94 9-27-62 Portsmouth Warehouse, Inc. to construct a railroad spur across 8th St. into its new facility.
1962-106 10-11-62 From Johnson and Johnson for construction of a sewer.
1962-125 12-13-62 From Forest Hts. Subdivision, Inc. for construction of a sewer.
1963-100 8-8-63 Portsmouth Gas Co. to install an auxiliary regulator in the parkway at 913 9th St.
1963-127 10-10-63 From Arbaugh for construction of a sewer.
1963-146 12-12-63 From Issenmann for the construction of a sewer.
1964-99 10-12-64 From Duduit for the construction of a sewer.
1964-112 11-9-64 From Reinhardt for the modification of a curve on Robinson Ave.
1965-10 2-1-65 The Warner Wall Co. and the Norfolk and Western Ry. for construction of a railroad spur across 8th St.
1965-12 2-1-65 From the B. & O. Ry. Co. for floodwall purposes.
1965-18 2-22-65 Ohio Power Co. for construction of electric transmission lines.
1965-25 3-1-65 From Portsmouth Industrial Development Corp. and Boder for construction of sewer and water lines.
1965-35 3-8-65 From Voorhees, Bentley and the Bluemont Corp. for construction of sewer and water lines.
1965-42 3-22-65 From Gregg for construction of a sewer.
1965-49 4-14-65 From Scaggs for construction of a sewer.
1965-70 5-12-65 From Burke for maintenance of a storm drainage ditch.
1965-159 10-11-65 From Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. for construction of a sewer.
1965-162 10-25-65 From Bihlman and Schuler for construction of a sewer.
1966-22 2-24-66 From Soltis for construction of a water main.
1966-100 7-28-66 From Schottenstein for construction of a water main.
1966-121 8-25-66 From Penrod and Bell for construction of a water main.
1966-179 12-8-66 From Golf City, Inc., Brown and Gregg for construction of a water main.
1967-172 12-28-67 From American Metropolitan Development Corp., for operating and maintaining a sewer.
1968-23 3-28-68 Ohio Stove Co. for use of 1 foot of right-of-way on north side of 11th St.
1968-54 6-27-68 Authorizes acceptance of easement from State at the Southern Ohio Penitentiary for water purposes for 15 yrs.
1968-60 7-11-68 Accepting a sewer easement from Habern in the East Portsmouth Addition.
1969-80 7-10-69 Accepting easement from Gable over land lying east of the paved portion of old U.S. Route 52 for water purposes.
1969-124 11-13-69 Authorizes acceptance of an easement from the Norfolk & Western Rwy. Co. to enter upon certain right-of-way property.
1970-26 3-12-70 Releasing all rights retained by the City by Ord. 1968-113 in an easement in Spruce Alley.
1970-28 3-12-70 Accepting easement from the Dayton Steel Foundry Co. for water line purposes.
1971-35 6-9-71 Accepting easement from Vournazos to extend a water line in the SW quarter of Sec. 33, Twp. 2, Rg. 21, Clay Twp.
1972-19 3-7-72 From Bre-Kro, Inc., for maintenance and repair of a sanitary sewer west of Gay St. between 8th and 9th Sts.
1972-37 4-25-72 From Brown and Thacker for relocating portion of Friendship Water Line in the Friendship-Pond Run area.
1972-65 7-11-72 From Westphal and First Christian Church to remove buildings from land for widening Gay St.
1972-72 7-25-72 Authorizes easement with Wallace for ingress and egress over property for use of road.
1972-76 8-22-72 From citizens Enterprises, Inc., for maintenance and repair of sanitary sewer west of Boundary St.
1973-8 2-6-73 From Elswick for maintenance and repair of water line in the Homestead Place Addition.
1973-22 4-10-73 From Stevison for maintenance and repair of a water line in the Oakland Addition.
1973-29 4-24-73 From Anderson for construction, maintenance and repair of a storm sewer over their premises in the Glen Acres Subdivision.
1973-36 5-8-73 From Guirlinger for maintenance and repair of water line in Lot 1 of the Maple Terrace Addition.
1973-95 10-9-73 From Johnson, Lockner and Pacheco for sewer purposes in the area of Sheridan Rd.
1973-111 11-13-73 To Ohio Power Co. for construction of electric transmission line outside the west flood levee.
1974-32 2-26-74 From Bob and Mike, Inc., and Stevison for maintenance and repair of water line in the Oakland Addition.
1974-37 3-12-74 For ingress and egress over property owned by City and Adams so that both parties can use road. Supersedes easement with Wallace.
1975-41 4-8-75 Release of easement from Lee dated 7-5-52 for storm sewer purposes. Repeals Ord. 1952-67.
1976-41 4-13-76 To Cyclops Corp., Empire-Detroit Steel Div., for loading dock facility.
1976-137 10-26-76 From Bishop E.J. Herrmann for improving roadways and construction of maintenance building in Greenlawn Cemetery.
1977-72 6-14-77 Authorizes temporary right of way over part of Inlot 143 for erecting the widening portions of the approaches to the US Grant Bridge.
1977-74 6-14-77 Authorizes easement for 20 yrs. to David Flannery, dba Flannery Nursing Home for ramp on Court St. sidewalk.
1977-151 9-13-77 From Shawnee State College for forced main sewer across college property from pump station and relocating sewer line.
1977-152 9-13-77 Vacating existing easement and accepting new easement from Canter Inns, Inc. for change of right of way for water main.
1977-184 10-25-77 From Citizens Enterprises, Inc. for street and alley purposes west of Market and north of Third Sts.
1977-189 10-25-77 From G.B. and M.B. Taylor for 24-inch storm sewer in Quail Hollow Acres Subdivision No. 2.
1977-197 11-8-77 To Shawnee State College and General Telephone Co. of Ohio for installing underground telephone conduit.
1977-199 11-8-77 Sewer easement from New Boston Board of Education for 10-inch vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewer.
1978-136 9-26-78 Accepts 4 temporary easements from W.W. and G. Holbrook et al. of Sycamore St. for retaining wall on Lynn St.
1979-185 9-27-79 From W.R. Journey, M.E. Journey and H.A. Morgan for 6-inch water-line.
1979-225 12-11-79 To OSCO Industries, Inc. for installing weatherproof entrance way to their office building.
1980-19 2-12-80 From Midwest Capital Corp. for a means of egress from Turley Alley between Robinson Ave. and Eleventh St.
1980-84 11-13-80 To cyclops Corp., Empire-Detroit Steel Div., for railroad tracks, roadways, pathways, electric wires, overhead trestles, conveyors and utilities.
1981-31 3-10-81 From Portsmouth Metropolitan Housing Authority for drain pipe into sewer.
1981-143 12-8-81 From property owners on west side of Orizaba Lane, for storm sewer purposes.
1981-144 12-8-81 To Donald Sparks, 114 Scioto St., across Lots 275 and 278, for the purpose of paving driveway.
1982-06 1-26-82 From Greenglen Apts. of Wheelersburg, Ltd. for waterline.
1982-54 6-22-82 (1) From Affiliated Corporation for waterline, storm sewer and sanitary sewer in extension of Brookwood Dr.
(2) From Cartee Land Development, Inc. for storm sewer along north line of Lot 3 in Brookwood Estates Subdivision.
1982-74 8-24-82 From Otiz R. Brooks for 8-inch waterline in Clay Twp.
1982-76 9-14-82 To Shawnee State Com. College Over Chillicothe St. between Front and Second St., for tennis courts and jogging track.
1982-104 11-23-82 From U.S. Army Corp. of Engineer, 50-yr. easement to replace 10-inch waterline by 12-inch waterline.
1982-111 12-28-82 From George D. Graham to extend 6-inch waterline in Fourth St. eastwardly 300 feet.
1984-25 4-10-84 From State Dept. of Natural Resources to maintain 6-inch waterline at Shawnee Golf City Park.
1986-47 7-22-86 From Shaney's to maintain a sanitary sewer over and through 2434 Gallia St.
1986-53 8-12-86 To Dayton Walther Corp. to maintain and care for industrial/other waste deposited on 6.3 acres in the Harmon St. Industrial Development area.
1986-75 10-28-86 To Richard Spencer to expand a structure being rehabilitated at the NW corner of 10th and Gay Sts.
1986-76 10-28-86 To McWhorter Advertising, Inc. or construct a building in the Peter Kinney Addition over part of Sixteenth St., west of Findlay Ave.
1987-69 10-13-87 From Kenneth Blankenship to relocate a water pumping station.
1988-79 9-27-88 Accepts easements from Paul Soltis for installation of water line under the Scioto River at the Second Street Bridge.
1988-101 12-13-88 Rescinds grant of easement from Midwest Capital Corp. over property at rear of the present Goodwill Industries Bld. used for egress from the unvacated part of Turby Ave. to Robinson Ave. (Repeal Ord. 1980-19)
1989-43 6-13-89 Grants permanent easement from Dayton-Walther Corp. to the City for compliance with certain EPA directives.
1989-80 9-12-89 To Ohio Power Company for the purpose of running a shield-wire by-pass tie line between the Portsmouth-Trenton Kv. Line No. 2 and Sporn-Portsmouth 138 Kv. line.
1989-89 10-10-89 To S. & J. Conley and F. & R. Conway at 401 Offnere St. due to encroachment on City property.
1990-142 11-27-90 Accepts easement deed from CSX Transportation, Inc. to City for right of way for the Young Street Viaduct.
1990-150 12-11-90 Grants easement to Calvin E. Bradley for dwelling at 819 Court St. encroaching on City right of way.
1991-132 9-24-91 Releases easement from the Portsmouth Inner City Development Corporation to the City.
1993-72 7-26-93 Authorizing the Mayor to grant an easement to Schackart & Co., Inc., over a portion of Court Street.
1995-24 3-27-95 Accepts easement from W.L. and R. Herrmann to allow soil assessments, tree removal and construction of retaining wall on Kinneys Lane at Offnere St.
1995-34 4-24-95 Accepts utility easement from E. and F. Gatti, 3070 Orchard Dr., for catch basin for drainage purposes.
1995-58 7-24-95 Grants easement to GTE North for fiberoptic cable installation.
1996-10 2-12-96 Authorizes easement agreement with T. and B. Messenger; grants easement over Lawson Run Sewer Line; accepts easement from Messengers and Pro Lodge Inc.
1996-162 12-23-96 Accepts easements from B. and J. Coleman and from Glockner Chevrolet for right of way for 2 waterline projects.
1997-26 2-24-97 Grants easement to American Electric Power (AEP) to install utility poles across land in Section 7, Twp. 2N, Range 20W.
1997-70 5-12-97 Authorizes grant of easement to New Boston Coke Corp. to fill gap between roadway and current easement behind City Water Filtration Plant.
1998-64 4-13-98 Accepts easement from M.R. and A.M. Davis for r-o-w to relocate pumping station at request of O.D.O.T.
1999-08 1-25-99 Authorizes acceptance of easement of 2140 Timlin Hill from E.B. Lehman; grants 16-ft. r-o-w easement to install 8-in. water main.
1999-11 2-8-99 Authorizes City to provide easement to Horizon Utilities Group, Inc. on N. side of 12th St. W of Chillicothe St. to install 6-in. gas line to provide natural gas service to Washington Twp.
1999-75 7-26-99 Accepts easement from M. and C. Holtzapfel to grant access to proposed Franklin Furnace Water Tower site.
2002-92 8-12-02 Accepts easement from Bd. of Trustees of Forest Heights Subdivision for r-o-w to complete sanitary/storm water sewer line project.
2002-119 11-11-02 Authorizes easement for ingress/egress and waterline to Leroy Collier as surveyed, for use as single family dwelling, with conditions.
2002-129 12-9-02 Grants easement to Mabert Road Baptist Church to use south half of alley vacated by this Ord. 2002-129 and portion of .036 acre tract (except SW 17.665 ft. by 31.81 ft.); grants easement to J.P. and M. Gillispie for this SW footage. See Table C.
2002-136 12-9-02 Authorizes granting easement to Knittel’s BP Service Center, Inc. to use 10 ft. of Hutchins Alley.
2003-08 1-27-03 Authorizes granting easement to Neal Hatcher Realtor to use south 10 ft. of Hutchins Alley r-o-w for sidewalk purposes; relocate alley within r-o-w for use as exit to Lincoln St.
2003-59 6-23-03 Authorizes granting easement to Life Ambulance to use property on Union St. between 11th and 12th Sts.
2003-77 8-25-03 Authorizes accepting easements from J.T. and T.J. Patrick and Green Local School District Bd. of Education for r-o-w for Franklin Furnace area waterline project.
2004-32 5-24-04 Authorizes grant of easement to Mullins Investments, LLC for r-o- w (0.866 acres) and development of viaduct property for erection of signs for business on adjoining property/development of existing road.
2011-30 6-13-11 Accepts an easement from David and Tonya Messer and accepts an easement from Jean R. Carver, acquired for right-of-way needed for sewer facilities.
2014-44 10-27-14 Accepts easement from Henry J. Miller; and James M. McGinnis; and Robert H. Staker, Jr. and Debra I. Staker, acquired for right of way needed for ingress and egress.
2015-16 6-8-15 Accepts a perpetual, non-exclusive sanitary sewer easement in, on, under, over, through and across a portion of CVS property.
2018-19 3-12-18 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a twenty-five year easement agreement with the State of Ohio of Real-Estate and Planning, representing Shawnee State University.
2018-27 5-14-18 Authorizing the Acting City Manager to enter into a temporary easement agreement with Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
2018-29 6-11-18 Authorizing the Acting City Manager to accept the renewal of and easement with the Ohio Department of Administrative Services for City utilities located at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility.
2018-53 11-13-18 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a permanent easement agreement with Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., in the same area of Sunrise Avenue as the temporary easement passed by Ordinance No. 27 on May 14, 2018.
2019-07 2-11-19 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement to Portsmouth Metropolitan Housing Authority (PMHA) to use a section of property for ingress and egress between Thomas Avenue and Parcel No. 33-2681.000.
2019-70 10-28-19 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a supplemental easement and partial release of easement with Ohio Power Company, a unit of American Electric Power.
2020-26 6-22-20 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement to AEP Ohio Transmission Company, Inc., a unit of American Electric Power.
2020-70 11-23-20 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement to Ohio Power Company an Ohio corporation and a unit of American Electric Power in the area of Thomas Avenue, Parcel No. 33-2733.000 in order to build a powerline for the Portsmouth Metropolitan Housing.
2021-29 4-26-21 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement and right of way in the area of Larry Hisle Park to Ohio Power Company an Ohio corporation and a unit of American Electric Power.
2021-30 4-26-21 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement and right of way in the area of the Portsmouth Wastewater Plant to Ohio Power Company an Ohio corporation and a unit of American Electric Power.
2021-35 5-24-21 Authorizing the City Manager to grant a supplemental easement and right of way to an easement and right of way that was granted in the 1940's in the area of Millbrook Park to Ohio Power Company an Ohio corporation and a unit of American Electric Power.
2022-21 4-11-22 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement and right of way to American Electric Power (AEP) on four tracts in the City, Parcel Nos. 32-2162.000, 32-1327.000, 32-1663.000 and 32-0761.000 to install new equipment for customer supply.
2022-99 11-28-22 Authorizing the City Manager to grant a supplemental easement and right of way to an easement and right of way that was granted in the 1940's in the area of Millbrook Park to Ohio Power Company, an Ohio corporation and a unit of American Electric Power.
2023-22 4-24-23 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement within the existing right of way to Norfolk and Southern Railway on Lincoln and Tenth Streets for the installation of new crossing equipment.
2024-24 5-13-24 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement to Tanealosh Limited for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a monument sign on City property.
2024-25 5-13-24 Accepting an easement from McGovney Ready Mix for the purpose of improving and maintaining the land adjacent to the transfer station facility.
2024-42 7-15-24 Authorizing the City Manager to grant an easement and right of way to American Electric Power (AEP) for two tracts in the City regarding AEP’s upcoming distribution project on Gallia Street.
2024-45 8-26-24 Authorizing the City Manager to grant the replacement of an expired storm sewer easement between Shawnee State University and the City.