(a)   A regular employee of the City who is paid an hourly or salaried shall, when not required to work on any of the holidays mentioned in Section 169.06, be paid for such holiday at the same rate of pay and for the same number of hours as he or she is paid on regular work days.
   (b)   When any such employee is required to work on any of the holidays mentioned in Section 169.06, he or she shall receive time and one-half his or her regular rate of pay, in addition to his or her regular day's pay.
   (c)   Should any of these holidays fall during the vacation or scheduled off day of an employee, he or she shall receive an additional vacation day or an additional day's pay.
   (d)   "Regular employee," as used in this section, means any employee of the City other than a temporary, part-time or seasonal employee.
(Ord. 2015-44. Passed 7-13-15.)