Before the preliminary plan of the subdivision or development is approved, the following development plans shall be submitted to and approved, disapproved or modified by the Planning Commission:
   (a)   A profile of each street with tentative grades, sewer lines and manholes. The scale on the horizontal shall be the same as the plan. On the vertical it shall be one inch equals twenty feet, or in proportion. See also Section 1109.06(c)(5).
   (b)   Typical street cross-sections at a scale of not less than three-eighths inch equals one foot showing widths of roadways, location and width of curbs, gutters and sidewalks and location and size of utility mains. See also Section 1109.06(c)(5).
   (c)   A plan and profiles of the proposed sanitary and storm sewers (combined sewers are prohibited) and culverts, if any, with grades and pipe sizes.
   (d)   A plan of the water distribution system, showing pipe sizes and the location of valves and fire hydrants.
   (e)   Curbs, gutters and sidewalks. See subsection (b) hereof.
   (f)   A street tree planting plan, which, though not compulsory, is recommended for the protection of property values.
   (g)   The location of street name signs.
   (h)   The location of monuments.
   (Ord. 1966-45. Passed 5-12-66.)