(A)   The house piping in a building shall be tested air tight by the gas fitter and before the pipes are concealed they must be inspected, the test witnessed, a certificate of inspection issued and an inspection tag attached to the piping by the City Plumbing Inspector.
   (B)   The test on house piping shall be made by closing all openings and subjecting the pipes to an air pressure of five pounds per square inch gage (Psig) for at least 30 minutes. The piping shall be considered tight if there is no measurable pressure drop.
   (C)   A fire test is not permitted under any circumstances.
   (D)   When the gas fitter has completed the system of piping and has all branch and bracket extensions and heater openings firmly and permanently fastened, he or she shall test the piping and if found tight, shall make application for tests with the City Plumbing Inspector. The Plumbing Inspector, or one of his or her assistants, will call and inspect the piping and witness the test and if he or she finds the piping tight and the sizes and work in accordance with the provisions of the subchapter, then the City Plumbing Inspector or the assistant will issue and deliver a certificate.
(Ord. 183, passed 9-9-1957)