A complete survey shall be made of all lands to be subdivided. The survey shall tie into the system of permanent civil monuments. All monuments, property lines, centerlines of streets, and right-of-way lines of alleys and easements adjoining or within the tract shall be tied into the survey.
The subdivider shall submit on mylar or reproducible material a plan, profile, and typical cross section for each proposed street in the subdivision. Water and sewer mains, with grades and pipe sizes, shall normally be shown on the same plan; however, the Commission may require water and sewer mains to be shown on separate plan and profile sheets. A minimum scale of one (1) inch equal to fifty (50) feet for plans and one (1) inch equal to five (5) feet for profiles shall be maintained unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. A sheet size of twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches drawn with reproducible ink or pencil shall be used.
(a) Plans shall show:
(1) Right-of-way lines of thoroughfares, streets, alleys and easements, and location of street and surface therein.
(2) Centerlines of thoroughfares, streets, and easements.
(3) Data on the location, length, and bearings of all lines, including length of radii, arcs, tangents, and curves. (Central angles and street curves may be referred to a curve table.)
(4) Location of storm and sanitary sewers and water mains, and items that pertain thereto, i.e., manholes, hydrants, valves, etc.
(5) All bearing lines shall be referred to established section lines, whenever possible.
(6) All subsurface utilities, existing or proposed, shall be shown on the plans, whenever possible, and be in accordance with the Ohio Utilities Protection Service.
(b) Profile shall show:
(1) Centerline elevations, percent of grade, and location and length of vertical curves on all streets.
(2) Elevations shall be based on U.S. Geodetic Survey Datum and permanent bench marks whenever possible.
(3) At least one site bench mark referenced to U.S.G.S. shall be shown on the plan/profile sheet.
Typical street cross sections or half-sections at a scale not smaller than one (1) inch to five (5) feet shall be required for all proposed streets and may be included on the plan and profile sheet. Typical sections shall show the following if required; width of roadway, type of subsurface and surface, type of curb and gutter, and location and width of sidewalk. Where considerable cut and fill is involved, several cross sections of streets in the subdivision shall conform to the minimum cross section standards adopted by the Commission and the Safety- Service Director or their designee as per Section 1169.08.
A topographic map shall be submitted with the improvement drawings showing the following data at a scale not less than one (1) inch equal to one hundred (100) feet shall ordinarily be required on all subdivisions of land.
(a) Contours:
(1) One (l) foot intervals where average slopes do not exceed five percent (5%).
(2) Two (2) foot intervals where average slopes exceed five percent (5%) but do not exceed fifteen percent (15%), depending upon the roughness of the side and the corresponding interval considered necessary by the Commission to describe the character of the land.
(3) Five (5) foot intervals where average slopes exceed fifteen percent (15%).
(b) Natural Features: Existing buildings or structures, rock outcrops, high points, water courses, depressions, ponds, marshes, wooded areas, and the boundary lines of the property.
(c) Alteration of Existing Topography: Proposed changes in grade shall be shown on the contour map or on an accompanying sheet. Where changes in grade will affect adjoining property, such as diverting storm water, the approval of the Commission shall be required.
Materials and construction procedures shall be in conformance with the General Provisions of the City of Port Clinton and the current volume of "Construction and Material Specifications" of the Ohio Department of Transportation. These material and construction procedures shall be shown on the specification drawings for all improvements.