No person, company, association, firm, partnership, limited liability company, corporation or other entity shall, at any place or location within the city, without first having obtained a franchise or permit from the city:
   (A)   Provide, sell, furnish, transport or distribute natural gas, electricity, water or sewer;
   (B)   Erect, construct, operate, maintain or use any natural gas pipeline, service line, plant or system, gas works, power plant, electric or other light works, heating plant, waterworks or sewage plant for the purpose of providing, selling, furnishing, transporting or distributing natural gas, electricity, water or sewer service to any user or consumer within the city;
   (C)   Use the streets or alleys of the city for such purposes; or
   (D)   Interconnect any building, structure or facility of any kind to any pipeline, system, main, service line or other conduit or facility of any type for the purpose of providing, selling, furnishing, transporting or distributing natural gas, electricity, water or sewage.
(Prior Code, § 4-601) Penalty, see § 50.99