TABLE 155.3501.L.2.b: Fence, Walls, and Hedges Around Open Spaces
TABLE 155.3501.L.2.b: Fence, Walls, and Hedges Around Open Spaces
Type and Material
Around perimeter of designated publicly accessible and semi- public open space
Walls or Fences: Masonry, wood, aluminum and other metals, vinyl, or wrought iron
Max. 48"1
Min. 75%
Hedges and shrubs
Min. 24"2 at time of planting; Max. 48"
1. Excluding decorative elements of posts and pillars not to exceed 6" in height
2. With spread at least 24" wide.
   M.   TO District Exterior Lighting Standards
Exterior lighting shall comply with the standards in Part 4 (Exterior Lighting) of Article 5: Development Standards as well as the following additional and/or modified standards:
      1.   Light poles shall not exceed a height of 17.5 feet above the adjacent finished grade;
      2.   No cobra head lights are permitted;
      3.   All lighting shall be weather and vandal resistant (i.e. resistant to graffiti, shattering, etc.);
      4.   All exterior lighting is encouraged to be solar powered;
      5.   TO properties are exempt from the standards in Section 155.5401.C (Lighting Location and Required Landscaping and Tree Protection); and
      6.   On-site lighting poles shall be of a consistent architectural style and shall complement the predominant architectural theme of the project.
   N.   TO District Height Standards
The height of buildings shall be measured in feet. The maximum overall building height shall not exceed the maximum building height allowed for the district. Additionally, the following shall apply:
      1.   Only building elements permitted to extend beyond the height of the building are exempt from the maximum allowable building height requirements.