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Schedule A
Schedule B
Schedule A
Schedule B
Generation of a minimum of 20 percent of the electricity needed by the development from alternative energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal, or biomass) within five years
Building design that can accommodate the installation and operation of solar photovoltaic panels or solar thermal heating devices
Proof of purchase of carbon offsets in an amount equivalent to 15 percent of construction costs within five years
Recycling/Waste Reduction
Use of recycled materials for 50 percent of streets, off-street parking, sidewalks, and curbs, and as 25 percent of building materials
Provision of at least one enclosed recycling drop-off station per building that is suitable for storage and collection of recyclables generated on-site
Site Configuration
Inclusion of a parking structure
Provision of a community garden controlled by a property-owners association and with at least 50 square feet per dwelling unit
Provision for mixed-use structures with active retail or personal service uses on ground floors, and residential uses on upper floors
Use of paving materials in driveways and parking lots that have solar reflectance index (SRI) score of at least 29 (SRI is a measure of pavement's ability to reject solar heat)
Configuration of new buildings with one axis 1.5 times longer than the other, and the long axis oriented in an east-west configuration for solar access
Resource Conservation
Site and landscaping design that attains a minimum Sustainable Sites certification of Two Stars
Preservation of 25 percent of the site's existing tree canopy associated with trees 10" or greater in DBH
Use of only native vegetation for required landscaping
Use of Low Impact Development (LID) techniques instead of retention or detention ponds for stormwater management
Doubling of the minimum open space set-aside amount
Remediation of site contamination on a documented "brownfield" site (by means of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment)
Provision of a network of multipurpose trails with at least one connection to a public greenway or sidewalk system for every acre of land
Provision of on-site transit facilities (e.g., designated park-and-ride parking spaces, bus shelters, water-taxi stops, or similar features)
Building Configuration
Building design that attains a minimum LEED certification of Silver
Building design that attains a minimum LEED certification of bronze
Building design where 25 percent of the residential units are consistent with Universal Design practices as set forth in the Universal Design and Visitability Manual published by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation
Building design where 10 percent of the residential units are consistent with Universal Design practices
Inclusion of green roofs on at least 30 percent of the roof area within the development
Building design where at least 75 percent of the development's gross floor area is in buildings qualifying as Energy Star buildings
Inclusion of shade features (e.g., awnings, louvers, shutters, overhangs, etc.) to shade all windows and doors on the southern building façade
Water Conservation
Inclusion of a recycled or grey water system for landscaping irrigation
Use of Florida-friendly landscaping techniques with no turf or lawn
Hazard Resiliency
Redevelopment of existing buildings that fail to comply with city flood prevention standards, so as to achieve full compliance with those standards
   E.   Documentation Required
Applicants shall provide documentation of techniques that will be used to satisfy the above requirement, as necessary, at the time of application submittal. Documentation for items that may not be visually verified as part of an inspection may be provided in the form of invoices, receipts, or delivery confirmation for the items in question.
(Ord. 2012-64, passed 9-11-12)